You say that, I'm not sure it's that the lighting 'sucks', but more
that it's a pain in the arse for modders because they don't have
server farms to compile lightmaps unlike Valve.

On 17 June 2010 15:20, Harry Jeffery <> wrote:
> I noticed that too, lighting is one of the major things the source
> engine sucks at. Hopefully Source 2011 will make the life of modders
> 10x easier.
> On 17 June 2010 15:11, Adam Buckland <> wrote:
>> Also, after looking at the Portal 2 gameplay footage from IGN:
>> (there's 3 parts) am I the
>> only one that thinks that the lighting system has had to have a large
>> overhaul to support how the levels change dynamically? (particularly
>> obvious in the part 1)
>> On 17 June 2010 14:58, Alexander Hirsch <> wrote:
>>> Mesa3D?
>>> On Tue, Jun 15, 2010 at 5:20 AM, Katrina Payne <
>>>> wrote:
>>>> This also adds a rather odd burden here, that allows Linux to get a better
>>>> standing for gaming.
>>>> It is not that unknown that without mixing, Linux generally does not
>>>> require
>>>> anywhere near as much over head to run as windows.
>>>> The minimum requirements to run a GUI on Linux is about 256MiB of RAM. This
>>>> even includes GUIs like KDE and Gnome. Though XFCE and LXCE would be better
>>>> if
>>>> you really did only have 256MiB of RAM (well if you were using a DE... and
>>>> not
>>>> a slimmed down WM with only a few programs loaded into it)
>>>> You can do just fine win 1GiB of RAM.
>>>> Linux also, as an OS can run on some old Intel boards--that running an OS
>>>> on
>>>> would other wise be insane today. a Pentium 1 can still get (some) use with
>>>> Linux.
>>>> Not enough to really be noteworthy as a desktop PC... but, this is a lot
>>>> less
>>>> than the least you will get Windows 7 onto.
>>>> So we have a nice toss up here:
>>>> 1: Linux requires Software Rendering in place. IE: how rendering was done,
>>>> before we got silly things like TNT and Voodoo on the market.
>>>> 2: Linux requires significantly less overhead to run, as far as OS goes.
>>>> If we can get it so that we can show Steam running on Linux, using mostly
>>>> Software Rendering, and getting it to run as fast as the same game on
>>>> Windows,
>>>> on comparable hardware...
>>>> This will definitely sell Linux as an OS...
>>>> Which in turn will get various Graphics Card makers on board to add their
>>>> support.
>>>> You know--I kind of want to see somebody work on that goal then. I am
>>>> almost
>>>> ready to dig up some old books that go over the theory of 3d programming,
>>>> just
>>>> to pull make a software rendering engine for this idea.
>>>> On Monday, June 14, 2010 07:59:45 pm Darren VanBuren wrote:
>>>> > Yes, 3D drivers are definitely quite lacking on the GNU/Linux front,
>>>> > but if Valve shows support for the development of these drivers, this
>>>> > may prompt certain GPU manufacturers to step up their GNU/Linux driver
>>>> > development.
>>>> >
>>>> > Darren L. VanBuren
>>>> > =====================
>>>> >
>>>> > On Mon, Jun 14, 2010 at 18:35, Bob Somers <> wrote:
>>>> > > Something to consider, though, is that the 3D driver support is years
>>>> > > behind from *ahem* a particular GPU manufacturer. I won't embarrass
>>>> > > them by saying their name, so I'll just say their initials: ATI.
>>>> > >
>>>> > > Their driver support for Linux is, frankly, pathetic at best. The
>>>> > > Fedora team is trying to solve this with their new free drivers in
>>>> > > Fedora 13 (which, I'll admit, are quite good), but it's still not up
>>>> > > to par with what you need to run a game. For example, the new free
>>>> > > drivers have very little (read: practically none) support for basic
>>>> > > vertex and fragment shaders. It will be at least another year before
>>>> > > the free drivers are up to what ATI's crappy proprietary drivers are
>>>> > > now. Even worse, right now you can get the proprietary drivers running
>>>> > > on Fedora 11 alright, sort-of on Fedora 12 with some ugly hackery, and
>>>> > > not at all on Fedora 13. Literally, ATI's Linux drivers are at least
>>>> > > 12 months behind, and the free ones are 12 months behind that.
>>>> > >
>>>> > > Unless somebody gives ATI a swift kick in the nuts the situation does
>>>> > > not look good.
>>>> > >
>>>> > > --Bob
>>>> > >
>>>> > >
>>>> > >
>>>> > >
>>>> > >
>>>> > > On Mon, Jun 14, 2010 at 5:01 PM, Darren VanBuren <>
>>>> wrote:
>>>> > >> Spoiler Alert. It's like the ratman drawing that says "She's watching
>>>> > >> you." Canonical is she in that case.
>>>> > >>
>>>> > >> I'm personally a fan of Fedora, but if Steam on GNU/Linux is
>>>> > >> distributed as a tarball, that'd be best in the interests of Valve.
>>>> > >> Even if some people (mainly Ubuntu users) would be a bit stuck on the
>>>> > >> concept of a tarball, it'd be minimal work for Valve, and maximum
>>>> > >> cross-distribution compatibility.
>>>> > >>
>>>> > >> Darren L. VanBuren
>>>> > >> =====================
>>>> > >>
>>>> > >>
>>>> > >>
>>>> > >>
>>>> > >> On Mon, Jun 14, 2010 at 16:49, Harry Jeffery
>>>> > >> <> wrote:
>>>> > >>> It's all down to personal opinion, as long as it does what you need
>>>> > >>> quickly and effectively then it's fine. I've yet to see the dark side
>>>> > >>> in cannonical so I honestly can't say much about their ethics.
>>>> > >>>
>>>> > >>> Either way, I <3 Linux and so should Valve.
>>>> > >>>
>>>> > >>> On 15 June 2010 00:19, Katrina Payne <>
>>>> wrote:
>>>> > >>>> Well a few points:
>>>> > >>>>
>>>> > >>>> The commands in the Linux Commandline... and well those on any UNIX
>>>> or
>>>> UNIX
>>>> > >>>> Workalike have not really changed since the 1970s. You could pick up
>>>> a
>>>> book on
>>>> > >>>> BASH or TCSH from the 1970s, and still have most of what you should
>>>> do.
>>>> > >>>>
>>>> > >>>> This kind of has allowed for tools to be put around these base
>>>> functions, such
>>>> > >>>> as autocomplete, history and well--quite a few other really handy
>>>> tools, to be
>>>> > >>>> added into the Linux CLI, to make its functionality go above and
>>>> beyond
>>>> > >>>> anything cmd.exe is capable of.
>>>> > >>>>
>>>> > >>>> I still have yet to look into Microsoft's PowerShell though.
>>>> > >>>>
>>>> > >>>> This is why most Linux users use the CLI. It has developed into an
>>>> experience
>>>> > >>>> that is completely unlike the root canal that is cmd.exe. You can
>>>> actually go
>>>> > >>>> in, and get some functionality from it. A lot of functionality too.
>>>> It
>>>> also
>>>> > >>>> gives the feeling that the user has more direct control--without
>>>> that
>>>> Pesky
>>>> > >>>> GUI in the way (though, technically, this just has a bunch of other
>>>> items
>>>> > >>>> typically in the way, such as init.d, bash, various bash
>>>> extensions--
>>>> maybe
>>>> > >>>> screen... you are just trading one thing in the way, that is, a GUI,
>>>> for
>>>> > >>>> another thing, that is a CLI).
>>>> > >>>>
>>>> > >>>> Now, that said--there are plenty of Desktop Environments ('DE') that
>>>> Linux can
>>>> > >>>> make use of, that pretty much make requirement of CLI use
>>>> unnecessary.
>>>> That
>>>> > >>>> is, between KDE4, LXDE, XFCE, E17 and GNOME2/GTK, the average Linux
>>>> user
>>>> > >>>> nearly never has to do anything on the CLI. Unless something has
>>>> gone
>>>> horribly
>>>> > >>>> wrong. In which case, he should be able to get the local Linux Admin
>>>> to
>>>> fix it.
>>>> > >>>>
>>>> > >>>> As that technically is what he'd do if something went horribly wrong
>>>> on
>>>> > >>>> Windows. He'd get his local Windows Expert to fix it.
>>>> > >>>>
>>>> > >>>> The "required" use of the CLI rather than GUI to properly use Linux,
>>>> is
>>>> much
>>>> > >>>> like how using Vi is "required" rather than EMACS for the proper use
>>>> of
>>>> Linux.
>>>> > >>>>
>>>> > >>>> Also, I use Fedora, and typically find it a LOT easier to work with
>>>> than
>>>> > >>>> Ubuntu. This maybe, because Fedora tries not to be a bunch of
>>>> asshats
>>>> to the
>>>> > >>>> people upstream. The same cannot be said about Canonical, the owners
>>>> of
>>>> > >>>> Ubuntu. Where, from what I have seen on their policies by past
>>>> actions...
>>>> > >>>> their MAIN desire is to be asshats to the upstream.
>>>> > >>>>
>>>> > >>>> I have a long winded rant on why I do not like Ubuntu... I mostly
>>>> just
>>>> state
>>>> > >>>> that nobody uses Ubuntu Linux. Typically most people go over to
>>>> another
>>>> Linux
>>>> > >>>> Distro afterwards, generally agreeing that no matter what Linux
>>>> Distro
>>>> they go
>>>> > >>>> to, be it Fedora, Puppy (well, prior to being based on Ubuntu),
>>>> Arch,
>>>> Slack,
>>>> > >>>> Gentoo, Knoppix, CentOS, LFS, etc., is better than Ubuntu... either
>>>> that, or
>>>> > >>>> they return to Windows--only using Ubuntu as a rescue disk setup.
>>>> > >>>>
>>>> > >>>> Right, now then. Back to your regular discussion
>>>> > >>>>
>>>> > >>>> ~Katrina
>>>> > >>>>
>>>> > >>>> On Sunday, June 13, 2010 07:20:08 am Harry Jeffery wrote:
>>>> > >>>>> People like the command line because it's very fast to do what you
>>>> > >>>>> want if you know what you are doing. So far ubuntu seems to be the
>>>> > >>>>> most user friendly linux distro and what a majority of linux gamers
>>>> > >>>>> might use.
>>>> > >>>>>
>>>> > >>>>> Personally I'd just use arch-linux and optimize my system...a lot.
>>>> As
>>>> > >>>>> long as nVidia release decent linux drivers it's all good.
>>>> > >>>>>
>>>> > >>>>> On 13 June 2010 14:01, Adam Buckland <>
>>>> wrote:
>>>> > >>>>> > A couple of things:
>>>> > >>>>> >
>>>> > >>>>> > Elan Ruskin gave a good talk on porting to consoles at GDC08. The
>>>> > >>>>> > slides are on Valve's website. There's something in there that
>>>> may
>>>> > >>>>> > help you here:
>>>> > >>>>> >
>>>> > >>>>> > #ifdef __GNUC__
>>>> > >>>>> > #define MAXSI_THREADED_VARIABLE __thread
>>>> > >>>>> > #else
>>>> > >>>>> > #define MAXSI_THREADED_VARIABLE __declspec( thread )
>>>> > >>>>> > #endif
>>>> > >>>>> >
>>>> > >>>>> > You may wish to use another define for windows rather than an
>>>> else
>>>> > >>>>> > statement in case you wish to port it somewhere else in the
>>>> future.
>>>> > >>>>> >
>>>> > >>>>> > Also I agree, the Mac and Linux ports are incredibly similar. In
>>>> fact,
>>>> > >>>>> > on the Mac port a shell script is executed first to determine
>>>> whether
>>>> > >>>>> > it's running on OS X or Linux.
>>>> > >>>>> >
>>>> > >>>>> > Finally Linux could be a great consumer platform. Before it can
>>>> become
>>>> > >>>>> > this, it needs to learn that not everyone is a power user, and
>>>> make
>>>> > >>>>> > things simple. Learn from the Mac app bundles, and remove
>>>> reliance
>>>> on
>>>> > >>>>> > the command line (for example the output is shown on the update
>>>> > >>>>> > software). It scares normal users. That, and a lot of power users
>>>> > >>>>> > (like myself), don't want to have to rely on the command line for
>>>> > >>>>> > everything.
>>>> > >>>>> >
>>>> > >>>>> > On 13 June 2010 13:28, Jonas 'Sortie' Termansen <
>>>> wrote:
>>>> > >>>>> >> I'd like to share a few experiences about porting code and
>>>> writing
>>>> > >>>>> >> portable code. Scroll down, if you just want my thoughts on how
>>>> portable
>>>> > >>>>> >> the Source Engine is.
>>>> > >>>>> >>
>>>> > >>>>> >> Recently I've been porting my in-development digital
>>>> distribution
>>>> > >>>>> >> platform to GNU/Linux for the fun of it. Naturally, most of my
>>>> code
>>>> > >>>>> >> didn't work right out of the box. But it is worth that several
>>>> > >>>>> >> subsystems actually worked at the first attempt, or with an edit
>>>> or
>>>> two.
>>>> > >>>>> >> For instance, my string system and parser classes/functions
>>>> compiled
>>>> > >>>>> >> right away.
>>>> > >>>>> >>
>>>> > >>>>> >> However, stuff like accessing the filesystem, multithreading,
>>>> user
>>>> > >>>>> >> interfaces, networking, and so on didn't work because it relied
>>>> on
>>>> the
>>>> > >>>>> >> Windows API. The interesting part here is that POSIX does things
>>>> > >>>>> >> differently; but almost in the same manner as Windows. That
>>>> means
>>>> for
>>>> > >>>>> >> each Windows API call you use, there is often one or more POSIX
>>>> calls
>>>> > >>>>> >> that does the same thing (if you add a little abstraction, that
>>>> is).
>>>> > >>>>> >>
>>>> > >>>>> >> Now, some of you heavily suggested the use of #ifdefs all around
>>>> the
>>>> > >>>>> >> code. You should not use #ifdefs each time you rely on platform
>>>> specific
>>>> > >>>>> >> behavior, but only in shared function calls or in headers. For
>>>> instance,
>>>> > >>>>> >> if you have to open a file. On Windows you can call the
>>>> CreateFile
>>>> > >>>>> >> function, while POSIX supports the open function. That means for
>>>> each
>>>> > >>>>> >> file opening, you need to write something like.
>>>> > >>>>> >>
>>>> > >>>>> >> #ifdef linux
>>>> > >>>>> >> int FileHandle = open(Path, Flags);
>>>> > >>>>> >> #elif defined(WIN32)
>>>> > >>>>> >> HANDLE FileName = CreateFile(...)
>>>> > >>>>> >> #endif
>>>> > >>>>> >>
>>>> > >>>>> >> Naturally, this isn't very pretty. And if this was used all over
>>>> the
>>>> > >>>>> >> Source Engine you would spend a lot of time writing #ifdefs and
>>>> checking
>>>> > >>>>> >> platform specific documentation. However, I am not saying
>>>> #ifdefs
>>>> are a
>>>> > >>>>> >> bad idea. But instead of using them all over your code, you
>>>> should
>>>> move
>>>> > >>>>> >> them to a shared class or function that simply implements all
>>>> this
>>>> once.
>>>> > >>>>> >> In my code, I declared an abstract baseclass called
>>>> MaxsiFileSystem
>>>> that
>>>> > >>>>> >> implements all the common functions to access the local
>>>> filesystem.
>>>> So
>>>> > >>>>> >> now when I wish to open a file for reading, I would call:
>>>> > >>>>> >>
>>>> > >>>>> >> MaxsiHandle FileHandle = FileSystem()->OpenFile(Path,
>>>> > >>>>> >> MAXSI_FILE_SEQUENTIAL);
>>>> > >>>>> >>
>>>> > >>>>> >> This additional layer of abstraction makes it very easy to add
>>>> support
>>>> > >>>>> >> for new platforms as you just have to define a new child of the
>>>> abstract
>>>> > >>>>> >> baseclass. I have also added such a layer for my Window System.
>>>> This
>>>> > >>>>> >> means I call my own APIs in my actual code, and then it
>>>> redirects
>>>> it to
>>>> > >>>>> >> the Windows API or GTK+ depending on your platform.
>>>> > >>>>> >>
>>>> > >>>>> >> You might also have noticed I implemented a FileSystem()
>>>> function,
>>>> in
>>>> > >>>>> >> the same manner I have implemented a WindowSystem() function
>>>> that
>>>> > >>>>> >> returns the window system in use by the current function/class.
>>>> This
>>>> > >>>>> >> makes it easy to simply swap the window system on the fly. For
>>>> instance,
>>>> > >>>>> >> my source mod links against my distribution platform (LGPL) and
>>>> my
>>>> mod
>>>> > >>>>> >> then implements some of these interfaces. It could implement the
>>>> > >>>>> >> MaxsiWindowSystem class using VGUI and then my programs could be
>>>> > >>>>> >> natively drawn ingame with mininal work.
>>>> > >>>>> >>
>>>> > >>>>> >> Other porting issues includes how the VS compiler breaks a lot
>>>> of
>>>> the
>>>> > >>>>> >> C99 standard. To counter this, I have simply declared a lot of
>>>> macros in
>>>> > >>>>> >> my header files that replaces platform specific behavior.
>>>> #defines are
>>>> > >>>>> >> very powerful for this. For example, to declare a
>>>> thread-specific
>>>> > >>>>> >> variable, I would use this header define:
>>>> > >>>>> >>
>>>> > >>>>> >> #ifdef __GNUC__
>>>> > >>>>> >> #define MAXSI_THREADED_VARIABLE __thread
>>>> > >>>>> >> #else
>>>> > >>>>> >> #define MAXSI_THREADED_VARIABLE __declspec( thread )
>>>> > >>>>> >> #endif
>>>> > >>>>> >>
>>>> > >>>>> >> And then use the MAXSI_THREADED_VARIABLE macro to declare each
>>>> threaded
>>>> > >>>>> >> variable. My experience is also that the GNU Compilers throw
>>>> much
>>>> more
>>>> > >>>>> >> errors and warnings than the Visual Studio compiler - and it is
>>>> often
>>>> > >>>>> >> right to do so. Visual Studio teaches you to write bad
>>>> > >>>>> >> standards-breaking code, even if you just compile using MinGW
>>>> you
>>>> will
>>>> > >>>>> >> get to fix a lot of issues that makes your code rather
>>>> non-portable.
>>>> > >>>>> >> (Like avoiding Microsoft-specific extensions to the C Library,
>>>> in
>>>> some
>>>> > >>>>> >> cases.) But Microsoft did break the standard enough that you
>>>> might
>>>> need
>>>> > >>>>> >> to use some of the above methods for porting, just to get your
>>>> code
>>>> > >>>>> >> compiling using MinGW.
>>>> > >>>>> >>
>>>> > >>>>> >>
>>>> > >>>>> >> Now to return to the Source Engine. In my experience a lot of
>>>> stuff
>>>> in
>>>> > >>>>> >> the SDK code is already defined using interfaces, classes, and
>>>> such.
>>>> > >>>>> >> That means the actual porting issues have been outsourced to the
>>>> Engine.
>>>> > >>>>> >> This, in turn, means that the SDK code will be rather easy to
>>>> port
>>>> > >>>>> >> compared to the Engine. Fortunately, as the Source Engine
>>>> already
>>>> is
>>>> > >>>>> >> highly modular using interfaces, it is easy to just swap a DX
>>>> renderer
>>>> > >>>>> >> with OpenGL. As such, they already have the framework to make
>>>> their
>>>> code
>>>> > >>>>> >> work on new platforms - all they have to do is implement their
>>>> > >>>>> >> interfaces using the local system calls. If you start to do this
>>>> on
>>>> the
>>>> > >>>>> >> low-level interfaces and move upward, then soon your program
>>>> starts
>>>> > >>>>> >> working in all its glory.
>>>> > >>>>> >>
>>>> > >>>>> >> As for a Steam Client for GNU/Linux. It exists. I lost the link,
>>>> but it
>>>> > >>>>> >> seems that Valve uploads nightly builds of their Steam Client,
>>>> and
>>>> each
>>>> > >>>>> >> day it works just a bit better. Last I heard, the Steam Client
>>>> actually
>>>> > >>>>> >> logged on and the actual UI was partially drawn. I am not sure
>>>> why
>>>> Valve
>>>> > >>>>> >> is so silent about this - perhaps it's just experimental, or
>>>> they
>>>> they
>>>> > >>>>> >> to make a big deal about it, like they did with the Mac.
>>>> Seriously,
>>>> when
>>>> > >>>>> >> are they gonna shut up about it? Last I saw was that they made a
>>>> funny
>>>> > >>>>> >> TF2 comic about it.
>>>> > >>>>> >>
>>>> > >>>>> >>
>>>> > >>>>> >> Porting programs to Linux hasn't been very hard for me, though
>>>> it
>>>> is a
>>>> > >>>>> >> lot of work, if you want to do it properly. It seems that the
>>>> Source
>>>> > >>>>> >> Engine is already highly portable and GNU/Linux build doesn't
>>>> seem
>>>> too
>>>> > >>>>> >> difficult, as it seems from the nightly builds. There is no
>>>> doubt
>>>> about
>>>> > >>>>> >> whether we need a client for GNU/Linux, it is just a matter of
>>>> time
>>>> > >>>>> >> before they announce and release it.
>>>> > >>>>
>>>> > >>>>> > Bucky
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