Yup. Added the master servers. People can find the server through the browser 
just fine. I'm just concerned that they can't connect through the lobby. 
Oh good timing. I just asked one of the guys playing right now and he said he 
found it using the quick game feature. Looks like it is working afterall. So 
that answers my question.
Thanks> Date: Fri, 7 Nov 2008 16:06:26 +0000> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: 
hlds@list.valvesoftware.com> Subject: Re: [hlds] Left 4 Dead dedicated servers> 
> im using sv_unreserve 0 and people are joining the server..> > did you add 
the master servers to the server.cfg as i couldnt get people > to join until i 
did that> > Alec Sanger wrote:> > Can anyone confirm that a certain cvar will 
kick your server from the lobby list? I have 2 servers running that show up on 
the browser list, but nobodyhas joined from the lobby so far. > > > > I have a 
feeling it's sv_unreserve. The description for this is "Clears any lobby 
reservation for this server"> > > > if anyone is using sv_unreserve but has 
people joining from the lobby, please let me know!> > > > > > Thanks!> > > > > 
> .> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: hlds@list.valvesoftware.com> Date: Fri, 7 Nov 
2008 10:12:46 -0500> Subject: Re: [hlds] Left 4 Dead dedicated servers> > 
That's hlsws way of showing a server with a low fps. If you have another hl1> 
or 2 server set fps to 10 (hibernating) or 30 (game in process) and you will> 
See the same triangles. In game though it shouldn't really be happening or> be 
a problem. HLSW on the other hand looks weird so people may complain> about 
that if they don't understand valve did what they did (for cpu usage> im sure 
otherwise it would be nutty) to keep things undercontrol. 30 fps is> still a 
sleep state of only 33ms so that allows 30 packets a second> theoretical plenty 
for a good game. The issue may be people just like to see> high numbers of fps 
and updates even if it doesn't affect game play. Those> that just look at 
netgraph and not at the actual gameplay will have issues> with it. > > 
-----Original Message-----> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
On Behalf Of Alec Sanger> Sent: Friday, November 07, 2008 9:45 AM> To: 
hlds@list.valvesoftware.com> Subject: Re: [hlds] Left 4 Dead dedicated servers> 
> > Is anyone having strange pings? Here is a section of my ping graph...> > 
http://i34.tinypic.com/2h3d4pg.jpg> > starts around 15 and crawls up to ~110 
then drops back to ~15. Cycles take> approximately 7 seconds.> > Date: Fri, 7 
Nov 2008 12:09:48 +0000> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]> To:> 
hlds@list.valvesoftware.com> Subject: Re: [hlds] Left 4 Dead dedicated> 
servers> > Yup, I get this too> > Vista 64, Q6600, 4gb ram, 4870x2, xfi> 
prelude, same drivers.> > Andrey Titov wrote:> > L4D demo is crash after few> 
minutes. Both processes.> > Anyone have this? i think this happends in sound> 
buffer overflow.. sound is> > looping one of time-freeze. Audigy2 val,> modifed 
sound driver with eax and> > unlocked xp features.> > Vista 64. core> quad, 6gb 
mem, 3870 ati 512mb latest farcry2 fix2,> >> > 2008/11/7 alexhard> <[EMAIL 
PROTECTED]>> >> > > >> After the last update, and with non-lobby> connections 
allowed, I keep> >> getting people that try to connect when the> server is 
full, about one> >> every 10 seconds or so. I assume this is the> matchmaking 
system> >> because they are all different IPs. Anyone else> experiencing this?> 
>>> >> On Thu, Nov 6, 2008 at 11:06 PM, Brian D'Arcy> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
wrote:> >> > >>> It's set by the lobby leader before a> dedicated server is 
automagically> >>> selected to start the game.> >>>> >>>> On Thu, Nov 6, 2008 
at 5:04 PM, James McKenna <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> >>> >> >> wrote:> >> > >>>> I'm 
still confused about setting difficulty... how is> it done? I read> >>>> > >> 
this,> >> > >>>> but I was confused.> >>>>> >>>>> On Thu, Nov 6, 2008 at 11:50 
AM, Chris Brunelle <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> >>>>> > >>>>> wrote:> >>>>> > >>>>> 
Actually the difficulty level may be selected> during the match making> >>>>> 
process? I haven't tested the client out yet,> so I'm not sure.> >>>>>> >>>>> 
-----Original Message-----> >>>>> From:> [EMAIL PROTECTED]> >>>>>> 
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Chris> >>>>> > >>> Brunelle> >> > >>>>> 
Sent: Thursday, November 06, 2008 12:48 PM> >>>>> To:> 'Half-Life dedicated 
Win32 server mailing list'> >>>>> Subject: Re: [hlds]> Left 4 Dead dedicated 
servers> >>>>>> >>>>> From the cvarlist.> >>>>>> >>>>>> z_difficulty : 0 : , 
"sv", "rep" : Difficulty of the> >>>>> > >> current> >>> > >>>>> game> >>>>> 
(Easy, Normal, Hard, Impossible)> >>>>>> >>>>>> >>>>>> -----Original 
Message-----> >>>>> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]>> >>>>> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
On Behalf Of alexhard>> >>>>> Sent: Thursday, November 06, 2008 12:44 PM> >>>>> 
To: Half-Life> dedicated Win32 server mailing list> >>>>> Subject: Re: [hlds] 
Left 4 Dead> dedicated servers> >>>>>> >>>>> Any idea as to how to set the 
difficulty> level?> >>>>>> >>>>> On Thu, Nov 6, 2008 at 8:34 PM, Chris 
Brunelle> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> >>>>> wrote:> >>>>> > >>>>>> My server is 
working.> Players can connect directly and no issues so> >>>>>> > >>>> far> 
>>>> >> >>>>>> with the game hanging/locking up.> >>>>>>> >>>>>>> >>>>>>> 
>>>>>>> -----Original Message-----> >>>>>> From:> [EMAIL PROTECTED]> >>>>>>> 
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Wolfie -> >>>>>>> Cybernetic> >>>>>> 
Sent: Thursday, November 06, 2008 12:18 PM> >>>>>> To:> 'Half-Life dedicated 
Win32 server mailing list'> >>>>>> Subject: Re: [hlds]> Left 4 Dead dedicated 
servers> >>>>>>> >>>>>> We were just playing with the> same variables after 
seeing an error> >>>>>> > >> in> >> > >>>> the> >>>> >> >>>>>> console on the 
client while trying to connect.> >>>>>>> >>>>>> The> good news is you are 
right, you are in the server with 3> >>>>>> > >>> survivor> >> > >>>>> bots,> 
>>>>> > >>>>>> the bad news for me seems to be> that as soon as you move the 
game> >>>>>> > >> bugs> >> > >>>>> and> >>>>> >> >>>>>> locks your character.> 
>>>>>>> >>>>>> HLSW works as well as connect> ip:port in console. FYI> >>>>>>> 
>>>>>> -----Original Message-----> >>>>>>> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]> >>>>>>> 
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Brian> >>>>>> > >>> D'Arcy> >> > >>>>>> 
Sent: 06 November 2008 19:00> >>>>>> To: Frank Hotte;> Half-Life dedicated 
Win32 server mailing list> >>>>>> Subject: Re: [hlds]> Left 4 Dead dedicated 
servers> >>>>>>> >>>>>> *sv_allow_lobby_connect_only> 0* ftw =)> >>>>>>> >>>>>> 
Can connect directly!> >>>>>>> _______________________________________________> 
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