Wow you said "convenience" and "Complex Mods" in the same paragraph. If you 
need to share that much information about a mod then the mod should have it's 
own wiki, which can be displayed by users in game with the steam overlay 
function and game guides. Why would you insist that users be forced  to see it 
every time they join or at the whim of the server op? IMHO That makes no sense. 
Shift + Tab is very convenient.
Date: Mon, 17 Jun 2013 01:40:11 +0200
Subject: Re: [hlds] TF2 MOTD and Quickplay

You don't get the concept of convenience do you? Giving players the option to 
just type in /rules to see stuff is infinitely more valuable. I don't even use 
that and I can see where he's coming from. Especially on servers with complex 
mods or other meta-game experiences this is very important.

> You claim 'Harsh Treatment' in the defense of hi-jacking peoples game 
> experience, REALLY? It's obviously an abuse hidden in background subterfuge. 
> If you are collecting information about visitors then do it in the light of 
> day, such as displaying in chat a survey page url or similar. Log files can 
> also be uploaded and shared with stat tracking sites without disturbing 
> client gamers.

I don't claim anything in defense of hi-jacking peoples experience because I 
don't do that kind of thing. I don't collect information about visitors but I 
can see how just using google analytics (which runs on a metric ton of sites 
anyway without informing you) is more convenient than using external tools that 
may have to be created first.

> Game Menus and MOTD are not the same thing, I must commend you for a valiant 
> attempt at mudding the waters. 

Oh wow, a sensible observation. Also notice: Chat messages are not the same 
thing as MOTDs either. People have been using them for *years* across all valve 
games for a reason.

> In-game music players really? There are so many other and better options that 
> don't absorb bandwidth that the fact that you bring this up as an argument 
> only presents evidence that you are intentionally attempting to ruin game 
> experience or are just ignorant of how online games work.

Yeah right. My *optional* in game plugin that *dozens* of people use out of 
free will for convenience sake is a really abusive thing. It doesn't absorb 
bandwith on any reasonable broadband connection to harm the experience in any 
way. Else people would just stop using it.

> If you truly believe that the ability of server ops to display an MOTD or 
> similar, adds value for players then you can code your own mod that has it 
> and let the community vote by joining (or not) your modified server.

I really hope you are trolling here. Coding an own game just for MOTDs that are 
just supposed to add value for players. Yeah right. MOTDs have been in Valve 
games for over a decade now. Since then people just leave servers if they mess 
up their game experience, while the majority of servers just use the MOTD to 
enhance it. This isn't even about any permanent damage like messing with config 
files or anything. There are a plethora of other in-game ways to mess with 
players that will never be eliminated, and users will still have to use their 
disconnect and report buttons for that, too.

You sir are just a troll that should be banned from this list or immensely and 
mind-bogglingly ignorant towards other peoples use cases, opinions and 

On Mon, Jun 17, 2013 at 1:25 AM, Liquid Source <> 

WOW, cry harder Supreet. If money is a problem for you may I suggest you get a 
real job instead of glomming off of other people?! Destroying the reputation of 
a company such as Valve by posting crap information to gamers and changing the 
whole game experience is just bad for business. If Valve decides to remove the 
motd functionality to keep people from tarnishing their image I know hundreds 
of server owners that will stand behind them. I also find your comparison of 
Valve to the Nazi's to be very offensive. Please refrain from such hate 
mongering. You are not the victim here, the people that play the game and 
Valves public image are.

Server rules... If they are to lengthy for a chat display they should be on a 
separate webpage, so just display the url to your servers web page. Most game 
host providers offer web space with the rental of a game server anyway.


> From:
> Date: Sun, 16 Jun 2013 19:13:10 -0400
> To:

> Subject: Re: [hlds] TF2 MOTD and Quickplay
> Doctor, why don't you pay the $300-400 dedicated server bills and other 
> expenses that server owners have to pay to keep their community running.

> It's as simple as this, a server forces you to see ads, leave it and don't 
> come back. Why are you trying to be a Nazi government trying to control what 
> server owners want to do.
> Look Valve, we pay for these servers okay. Dedicated servers aren't cheap, we 
> need to make money to recovery costs. What you are basically doing is 
> stunting one community's growth.

> If you continue to create features that will just add more and more 
> restrictions for server owners, why don't you just become like one of the 
> game publishers that don't even let users host dedicated servers. 

> Just take away our server powers and how about this Valve? Why don't you just 
> host all the servers for us and leave us the headache? How much extra server 
> dollars will that cost you Valve, and also how much manpower will you need to 
> maintain those 1000s of servers running plugins that people LOVE! 

> It's easy for you to just toss up Vanilla servers in there with no 
> configurations and setups but do realize the amount of hours and hardwork 
> server owners put in their community. We build it from ground up. How would 
> you like it Valve is "Example Gaming Regulation" told you, you can't push 
> certain updates and release a set group of weapons and items.

> The point is this - we pay full cost for our communities, so let us do THINGS 
> to cover for the cost. Otherwise, make srcds use less RAM and CPU so we don't 
> have to buy expensive servers.
> I speak on behalf of many community owners who are irritated by people 
> stirring up something every few weeks for no reason. Yeah I'm talking about 
> you Doctor. 

> Your TF2 would be NOTHING if it wasn't for us hard working community owners 
> who provide great servers for your playerbase to play at.
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