motd blah...

what really needs to change is that players have not the full control over the 
MOTD they should have. All the other **** is pointless.

Problems (imo):
- Reopening MOTD's by plugins outside of control of client. (this excludes the 
ones where the client DOES ask for it to be opened for the backpack, rules, or 
other functions)

- Background opening of spam-ads and such
- server side not able to detect status of MOTD opened or not.

Things that I think should be on MOTD to have several buttons: 

- Close (meaning exactly THAT, close it and throw it out of memory, and not ran 
in background)

- Block (same as "close" but per game session so MOTD's can't be opened unless 
restarted the game)
- Back to game (keeping it open in background, to allow for in-game radio or 

In regards to "reporting" to the server if a page is still open or not, or 
being quickplay or not, *shrugs* I don't plan functionality on that, but I can 
see use by others.

All the other **** about ads and "abuse" and whatnot, isn't really clearing the 
conversation here to get to some objective. Go back to 4chan if you need 
"drama". I've already put some filters up for some posters, to not see those 
anymore, been enough. 
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