If that was the case, we'd be swimming in players right now. The sad truth of 
it is many people just don't care, they click and close it.
It's a rather vocal, but smaller portion of people that vehemently hate ads 
with a passion and DC/blacklist servers with MOTD ads.

On Fri, 11/8/13, Alexander Z <spacebur...@gmail.com> wrote:

 Subject: Re: [hlds] An open letter to Valve about MOTDs
 To: "Half-Life dedicated Win32 server mailing list" 
 Received: Friday, November 8, 2013, 9:31 AM
 I'm not quite sure
 what the OP is rambling about, but if it is about removing
 html MOTDs from quickplay, here's the answer why.
 A majority of people, upon seeing advertising in the
 MOTD, will disconnect from the server. You might get some ad
 revenue, but you're not going to get any players.
 On 8 November 2013
 01:11, James Haikin <jfrra...@gmail.com>
 What in the hell is Liquid Source talking
 about? This is a video game, not the presidency. Good
 On Thu, Nov 7, 2013 at
 4:00 PM, Weasel's Lair <wea...@weaselslair.com>
 IMH(f)O, variety is a big deal.  Different server
 operators, with
 different tastes, results in different communities, to suit
 players tastes.
 However, some players only like to play stock maps and deal
 with a
 pre-defined world-view of what is possible/expected in the
 game.  QuickPlay helps those players/noobs/whatever find
 what they
 So, I definately see the value in QuickPlay.  I just wish
 there was
 more of an equal footing between QuickPlay and non-QuickPlay
 in the
 interface.  Maybe there should be two equal-size /
 buttons - "Find QuickPlay Game" and "Find
 Customized Game" or
 something like that.
 From a playing perspective, I think servers the enforce
 something that
 the player can not close (and have the audio stop when it
 closes) is a
 very bad thing.  I think the MOTD changes aren't
 advertising/donation schilling necessarily - so much as that
 "WTF? I
 can't close this shiz and start playing right now?"
 On a side note, if you are paying $30 for a server that can
 only host
 a single TF2 dedicated server instance - you are paying too
 I am using a VPS provider and paying that much - but able to
 multiple instances of TF2 (32-player), CS:S and several
 stufff.  Contrary to what I expected, my VPS is working
 better than
 any normal "dedicated" I have ever rented.  I
 also found that VPS's
 hosted on Virtuozzo or OpenVZ perform better than KVM ones
 (even with
 specific resources "dedicated" to the KVM machine)
 - again, the
 opposite of what I expected.
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