Max bandwidth rate allowed on server, 0 == unlimited

Next time, just type the cvar into server console without the value to 
see that information.


Guy Watkins kirjoitti:
> What is the value of:
> sv_maxrate
> } -----Original Message-----
> } From: [mailto:hlds_linux-
> }] On Behalf Of Adam Nowacki
> } Sent: Sunday, June 07, 2009 10:12 AM
> } To: Half-Life dedicated Linux server mailing list
> } Subject: Re: [hlds_linux] L4D actual tickrate
> } 
> } choke = number of updates that were delayed due to rate limit
> } if you see choke then rate setting is too low
> } 
> } Nikolay Shopik wrote:
> } > I'm running at 20000 rate and actually can handle 30000, have 8 Mbit
> } > link. There no loss at all, thats why I'm surprised to see choke. And
> } > from net_graph I see rate not getting even close to 20Kbit/s (12-14 max)
> } > from server, so changing to 30000 not really do anything. My server
> } > connected to fiber optic and have ping under 5ms.
> } >
> } > On 07.06.2009 1:47, Richard Eid wrote:
> } >> If you are getting choke, raise 'rate' client-side.  The default values
> } in
> } >> Left 4 Dead will provide for a little bit of choke, but nothing that
> } can't
> } >> be fixed by upping 'rate'.  20000 should be good enough, but there's
> } nothing
> } >> wrong with going higher if you have a connection to handle it.
> } 
> } 
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