For those of you who don't pay attention to his posts for the past couple
of years, the line of thinking from dan needaxeo goes something like this:

"Once I put up a plain server and no one joined it because everyone else
cheats and they couldn't possibly have a better server. So any improvements
especially those helping non-Valve servers should be ignored because it
helps cheaters trick players. Also every player thinks the same way I do so
no one ever has a reason to join any server over a Valve server."

I don't know how many times I have to repeat this but you can make all the
"logical" assumptions you want and assume that most players are smart and
aren't lazy (lol?). It just doesn't line up with reality which is why
people keep requesting DNS.

If there was nothing special about any particular server in the first place
then there wouldn't be a large population drop every time the IP changed.

On Sun, Aug 25, 2013 at 2:51 PM, Eli Witt <> wrote:

> past time to take this off the mailing list, thanks in advance you two.
> On Sun, Aug 25, 2013 at 5:18 PM, dan <> wrote:
> > On 25/08/2013 21:50, Robert Paulson wrote:
> >
> >> You can keep arguing about how "logical" your thinking is but it doesn't
> >> matter because it doesn't line up with reality. I've seen this problem
> >> affect dozens of servers, even those that are totally off quickplay such
> >> as
> >> Azelphur's Surf server.
> >>
> >
> > Who cares?
> >
> > If "most users" (and let's face it, most users
> > have never and will never connect to your server)  are really
> > as stupid as you hope (and as I said, if you think you know
> > how to do something that a lot of people don't then you've got a rude
> > awakening
> > coming up at some point in your life) then clearly they find another
> > server to play on.
> >
> > What do you imagine they do? Sit in a pool of tears wondering where your
> > server went?
> >
> > Do you not have a web site or a server? You know a server that can run
> > plugins and pop up information, on the MOTD and so on?
> >
> > Perhaps a lot of servers find their users switched off MOTD because they
> > used it for something no one wants to read.  (Of course your users
> > won't have switched it off because they are all, according to you,
> > conveniently too stupid to do anything)
> >
> > So, you know, if /you/ can't find or join a server feel free to ask and
> > we'll talk you through the process,
> > But don't sit there trying to kid the list that most users are dumb.
> >
> > If you're really struggling to think of ways of communicating that you
> are
> > changing
> > ip address to the small group of people that use your server regularly,
> > again, ask away for ideas.
> > But don't sit there trying to kid us that you cannot fix your broken
> > server without this feature.
> >
> > If a server empties when it changes IP then self-evidently there was
> > nothing particulary special about that server.
> >
> > Personally, I cannot think of a single server on the TF2 list that has
> any
> > characteristic that would make me join it rather than another.
> > Except stuff like ping and the network connection to it, and whether it's
> > got people on it and whether it's running a map
> > I want to play. You know, all the stuff that the server browser tells you
> > when you search for a server.
> >
> > So, perhaps I join servers from history, perhaps I join from them from
> the
> > main server list. The point
> > is, if one server disappears it doesn't make diddly squat difference to
> > the game. There are plenty of
> > other servers. OTOH, if a new server appears, I'm as likely to play on
> > that as any other.
> >
> > Whereas you are trying to kid us that a server that is getting ddosed or
> > that is on a crap host with lag spikes
> > doesn't matter because your dumb users put up with it? Yet that's the
> > reason you want the feature?
> > Start talking sense.
> >
> > --
> > Dan
> >
> >
> >
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