Problem with this new option is that players are ignorant and think that only valve servers are the best. So the new player or new'ish one picks Valve server every single time. The rest of us with old players will be here some time but the players will decrease since quickplay isn't filling the rest of the slots as fast anymore as it did before due to this option. Players are also suspicious for community servers because they have seen all kinds of crap in them. Why the hell punish community servers as a whole and not remove the stupid ones from quickplay competely?

I'll give this system a week, after this weekend i will see the immediate impact this has on my servers and after a week, i will see the most of it. Will definitely post back here the results.

It's not like i hate to host servers to TF2 but you guys at Valve are seriously making it not so enjoyable anymore as it used to and harder to have servers with players on them. I don't even tease players with advertisement, donation requests or anything extra crap that some servers run. It's simply vanilla with sourcemod administration and sourcebans integration.

Like someone said, CSGO is a bad meter for seeing how you can split to official and community servers. There are very few rare servers that actually get populated every night.


Chris Oryschak kirjoitti:
Agreed.  Why don't you punish the communities/servers that are abusing
this.  Every step a good community takes moves forward to attempt to retain
the player gets flushed down the drain with these changes.
Quickplay is ultimately useless for any community, unless you are valve.

I currently have 235 players on my servers right now, of all of those only
23 players are from quickplay.  Seriously running servers for this game is
slowly becoming unenjoyable as a hobby.
One day they will hopefully realize that the communities they are truly
hurting are the ones that helped make them $139mil last year.

On Thu, Jan 23, 2014 at 8:11 PM, Doctor McKay <> wrote:


Adding a "Valve servers only" checkbox (that's checked by default) is going
to hurt enough (and only those communities that are playing by the rules;
cheating communities will just steal *more* traffic from the legitimate

It's now all but impossible to try to retain a client who joined via
Quickplay (and those are the clients we *need* to retain). We can't show
them our website. We can't even allow them to use a menu to jump to another
one of our servers anymore.

Please think about what you're doing. If your intention is to harm the good
communities, you're doing a fine job at it.

Dr. McKay
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