On 10/10/11 1:17 PM, Michael Richardson wrote:

"Erik" == Erik Nordmark<nordm...@cisco.com>  writes:
     Erik>  There might be some more difficult aspects if we want to allow
     Erik>  a router or its interfaces to be repurposed, such as splitting
     Erik>  an existing link into two separate links. In that case it
     Erik>  might be hard to avoid renumbering. The requirements question

Moving/repurposing a router without a factory reset seems like the
perhaps the most important source of conflict in the architecture that
we discussed.  Particularly if the router is put into a junk drawer for
a few months until it is needed.

So, we might need to consider if we can expire persisted settings after
some long (from the point of view of the network) time, like 1 week...

FWIW My existing IPv4 NATting home routers don't need to be quaranteened for a week; I can just rewire. At worst I have to power cycle.

I thought IPv6 would make things better ;-)


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