On 10/12/11 09:03 , Erik Nordmark wrote:
> On 10/10/11 1:17 PM, Michael Richardson wrote:
>> Moving/repurposing a router without a factory reset seems like the
>> perhaps the most important source of conflict in the architecture that
>> we discussed.  Particularly if the router is put into a junk drawer for
>> a few months until it is needed.
>> So, we might need to consider if we can expire persisted settings after
>> some long (from the point of view of the network) time, like 1 week...
> FWIW My existing IPv4 NATting home routers don't need to be quaranteened
> for a week; I can just rewire. At worst I have to power cycle.

if my routed network with 4-10 routes in it can't reconverge in 3x the
hello interval of the routing protocl there's something seriously wrong
with it...

> I thought IPv6 would make things better ;-)
>    Erik
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