On 9/12/12 10:35 PM, Ray Hunter wrote:
Fair counter point to my suggestion. Enterprises don't generally put laptops in public viewable DNS.

Isn't your requirement to support highly mobile devices a good reason to avoid mDNS wherever possible?
MDNS has a purpose, which is to locate on-link resources. particularly if a network is adhoc or ephemeral it seems like the appropriate tool for that. two devices forming an adjacency may have no other network.

[mDNS being link local specific, and any extensions/gateways from mDNS to unicast DNS will also be local network specific, so your favourite coffee shop network may not support them]

Mark Andrews <mailto:ma...@isc.org>
13 September 2012 03:02

Note updating DNS involves both FORWARD and REVERSE entries and the
solutions can be different.

My machines have names. Those names don't change as I move around
the world. Random DHCP servers at coffee shops DO NOT have the
ability to update the DNS entries for those names. They do have the
authority to update the PTR records in in-addr.arpa and ip6.arpa

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