In message <>, Ray Hunter writes:
> > Ted Lemon <>
> > 3 March 2015 20:36
> >
> > Why do you say that? Is a ~60 minute TTL too short for a home device? 
> > I don't think so. As soon as the old address is deprecated, you remove 
> > the record pointing to it--you don't keep it around. You install AAAA 
> > records only for non-deprecated addresses. Why is this a problem? Why 
> > the need for a 36 hour timeframe?24 ho
> 36 hours is a number plucked out of thin air by me that is longer than 
> 24 hours, which is a historic default refresh time for many DNS servers 
> e.g. RFC1912 .
> One hour TTL could mean 24 times the DNS traffic compared to that 
> historic norm. It also could mean (re)signing DNSSEC zones more than 24 
> times per day as hosts move around the homenet.......

TTLs and signature validity intervals are independent of each other.
You can have a TTL of zero with a signature validity interval of 30 days.

> So it's clearly a trade off.

The trade off is how often the data being signed changes.  Dynamic
zones only sign the data that is changing.  If you update a A record
that is two sets of signatures.  Those for the A record set and the
SOA record.  You don't re-sign the entire zone unless you are crazy.

Even doing it by hand the tools can work out what needs to be signed,
re-signed and what doesn't.

> What's the difference in practical terms between 1 second, 1 minute, 1 
> hour, and 1 day?
> You either have more name resolution traffic (every day), or you have 
> more temporary addresses and old prefixes hanging around for longer 
> (during a renumbering event, which is presumably not every day).
> Any operators got any input on how often they propose to rotate prefixes 
> on domestic connections?
> -- 
> Regards,
> RayH
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