On Mar 3, 2015, at 4:55 PM, Ray Hunter <v6...@globis.net> wrote:
> One hour TTL could mean 24 times the DNS traffic compared to that historic 
> norm. It also could mean (re)signing DNSSEC zones more than 24 times per day 
> as hosts move around the homenet.......

Caching is really only interesting for query clusters and frequently accessed 
domains.   I don't think there is any reason to expect that there will be 
performance issues for homenet names, which I would expect would be 
infrequently accessed by relatively few resolvers.

> You either have more name resolution traffic (every day), or you have more 
> temporary addresses and old prefixes hanging around for longer (during a 
> renumbering event, which is presumably not every day).

Temporary addresses don't belong in the DNS.   Stale information doesn't belong 
in the DNS.   This seems like a no-brainer to me.

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