> Hi,
> My daughter 16 has been playing horn in the school band for 3 years now (Trumpet 
>before that).  It seems that she wants to continue into college and go into music.  I 
>have no idea about which is a good or bad horn and was wondering if the wise people 
>in here could help.

        You've gotten a lot of good advice. You might want to take a
look at the FAQ on Julia Rose's web page
(http://home.columbus.rr.com/juliarose/). Overall, I'm a fairly
big fan of her suggestions and think there's a lot of good
information on her site.

> Is there any other information I could pass on to her to help her make an informed 

        Until she gets out of college and starts playing professionally,
the practical answer is that any professional-quality horn that
plays well will be fine for her. She should try the horn herself,
and, if she doesn't care for it for any reason, find another.
There is no such thing as a "best horn." If she's studying
privately (see next paragraph) she should do this in consultation
with her teacher.

        It seems by implication that your daughter isn't studying
privately. If she intends "continue into college and go into
music," she needs to begin private lessons with a good teacher
NOW a lot more than she needs her own horn. (If you can afford
both, that's great, too, of course.) Find someone who knows how
to play **AND** who can put it across in a way your daughter can
understand. Note that this is not necessarily synonymous with
"the best player in town" or "the teacher whose students have had
the most success," though it often is. At 16, your daughter is
old enough to know when she's learning and making progress, and
if she isn't, she should change teachers. When I went to college
(a state school, not Curtis, Julliard, or any prestigious music
school) it was obvious who'd studied privately before college and
who hadn't, and the latter people were always playing catch up.

                                                Howard Sanner
                                                [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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