
As my understanding, using Skybox imagery is a task for LWG currently.


Are there any progress since the discussion?

2014-11-22 8:43 GMT+09:00 Pat Tressel <ptres...@myuw.net>:

> Josh --
> As some of you may be aware, we recently announced the Skybox for Good
>> <http://www.skyboximaging.com/blog/introducing-skybox-for-good> program.
>> We know that some of this imagery can be especially useful in Crisis
>> Response situations, and therefore we are explicitly authorizing usage of
>> Skybox for Good imagery in any current HOT Activation
>> <http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/HOT_activation>, under the condition
>> that changesets and/or features that are derived from Skybox for Good
>> imagery and committed to OSM are attributed to Skybox.
> That's fantastic news!!
> Ok, folks, who gets to send the formal Thank You....?  I bet that's the
> communications working group.  And I also bet it's safe to infer a whole
> bunch of individual thank-yous.  ;-)
>> This could, for example, include the method of attributing Skybox as the
>> "source", or a similar method deemed appropriate by HOT.
> We had that older thread about imagery tagging, where it came down to
> "source" (used since forever) and the new, automatically-added
> "imagery_used" tag in iD, which, it was pointed out, might not be accurate
> if the user switches imagery temporarily -- would have to see what iD does
> in that case.  One thought -- maybe it would be good to add "imagery_used"
> in JOSM with the same behavior as iD, just so they're consistent.  We'd
> keep adding source, but imagery_used would be there as a fallback.  Task
> validators can also check for a source tag, since a task usually specifies
> a set of imagery.
> -- Pat
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