Sign me up to help get the map tile server set up and running. I am
glad to get it set up and admin it to get started while workflow
shakes out.

Disclaimer: I have no idea how to do either of the above, but I learn fast.


On Tue, Nov 25, 2014 at 4:56 PM, Mikel Maron <> wrote:
> Hey
> A few notes from talking this through with Josh
> * Requests for SkyBox imagery would go through the usual HOT imagery
> coordination process
> * Use of SkyBox imagery for HOT activations would be coordinated through
> tasking manager projects.
> * The listing of all SkyBox for good requests is at
> We'd go through the coordination processes above, if a HOT activation wanted
> to use existing imagery.
> * At the moment, there is no tile service. HOT would need to set up tiles
> from a downloaded GeoTIFF.
> Hope that clears things up.
> Btw, would be good to simply set up a test with one of the SkyBox for good
> GeoTIFFs, to see how it compares with Bing georeferencing and resolution.
> Best
> Mikel
> * Mikel Maron * +14152835207 @mikel s:mikelmaron
> On Sunday, November 23, 2014 9:34 AM, Pierre Béland <>
> wrote:
> These are great news for HOT Activations.
> In the context of the Ebola outbreak, we have large territories to cover in
> West Africa. There are various areas not yet well covered with high-res
> imagery. With the sudden resurgence in various areas, we have to try to find
> rapidly imagery.  Imagery could be also helpful to do some prevention
> mapping in areas at risk, with limitroph regions having a spread of the
> epidemy. There are areas in east Guinea and West Ivory Coast with no
> high-res imagery.
> We have the capacity to mount a tms server. If there are Skymap imagery
> archives, What would help us is to have access to a catalog of metadata for
> this imagery and a protocol to request for imagery.
> regard
> Pierre
> ________________________________
> De : Michael Collinson <>
> À : Satoshi IIDA <>; Pat Tressel <>
> Cc : hot <>
> Envoyé le : Samedi 22 novembre 2014 2h52
> Objet : Re: [HOT] Skybox for Good imagery
> Hi Satoshi,
> Yes.  My fault for delaying this but now done. Hence Josh' announcement. I
> am happy that:
> The provider is aware of what we will do with their imagery and data derived
> from it.
> The provider has given their explicit permission to include derived data
> into the OSM database.
> The proposed attribution mechanism, adding source to tags and/or change sets
> is practical, (the imagery will only be released in the context of HOT
> projects).  I have also added a new section for HOT under
> .
> Mike
> On 22/11/2014 01:15, Satoshi IIDA wrote:
> Hello,
> As my understanding, using Skybox imagery is a task for LWG currently.
> Are there any progress since the discussion?
> 2014-11-22 8:43 GMT+09:00 Pat Tressel <>:
> Josh --
> As some of you may be aware, we recently announced the Skybox for Good
> program.
> We know that some of this imagery can be especially useful in Crisis
> Response situations, and therefore we are explicitly authorizing usage of
> Skybox for Good imagery in any current HOT Activation, under the condition
> that changesets and/or features that are derived from Skybox for Good
> imagery and committed to OSM are attributed to Skybox.
> That's fantastic news!!
> Ok, folks, who gets to send the formal Thank You....?  I bet that's the
> communications working group.  And I also bet it's safe to infer a whole
> bunch of individual thank-yous.  ;-)
> This could, for example, include the method of attributing Skybox as the
> "source", or a similar method deemed appropriate by HOT.
> We had that older thread about imagery tagging, where it came down to
> "source" (used since forever) and the new, automatically-added
> "imagery_used" tag in iD, which, it was pointed out, might not be accurate
> if the user switches imagery temporarily -- would have to see what iD does
> in that case.  One thought -- maybe it would be good to add "imagery_used"
> in JOSM with the same behavior as iD, just so they're consistent.  We'd keep
> adding source, but imagery_used would be there as a fallback.  Task
> validators can also check for a source tag, since a task usually specifies a
> set of imagery.
> -- Pat
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> Satoshi IIDA
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