Hi All,

Following a discussion on the Community News,
( http://hackerpublicradio.org/eps.php?id=2631 )

I am reopening the discussion as to the HPR branding as defined on "Give
Shows > Theme"

It's been a while since we had this discussion and it would be good to
revisit it again.

Currently the branding is as follows

1. Show Synopsis (Espeak saying "This is HPR episode ${show_number)
entitled "${title}". It is hosted by ${hostname} ... etc"

2. Thanking our Hosting provider (Automatically Added)

3. HPR Introduction Music (Mandatory)

4. The Show

5. HPR Outro Music (Mandatory)

We would like your input on what if anything should change.

Is the 1. Show Synopsis, adding value to people ?

Do we continue to 2. Thanking our Hosting provider ? Should we remove it
or put it in the outro ?

Should we refresh the 3. HPR Introduction Music ? Make it shorter ?

Should the 5. HPR Outro Music text be changed ?

Any other changes ?


Ken Fallon

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