Mike Ray said:

> The music is too loud, as others have said.

Actually, I think that the music is at a good level, but the show
content itself is much too quiet.  As David Lee said, a bit of
post-production can be extremely helpful, and this can probably be

I do love the music, but it is a bit long. Perhaps the format can be:

1. 10 seconds of intro music (conveniently, the fanfare has just sounded
twice at 10 seconds)

2. Fade intro music to 30%, start voice-over of the TTS Show Synopsis.

3. With luck the TTS Show Synopsis is over just before the intro music
runs out. If not, the intro music repeats (sans fanfare) at the 30
second mark, but fades. Perhaps the intro music can just keep repeating
until both the show synopsis and sponsorship thankyou are done.

4. Sponsorship thankyous...

5. Music fades completely, The Show starts

6. Outro is great as it is, and a good example of voice over music.

--Bob, who has no business providing advice until he submits another
show or several.

On 2018-09-01 06:27 PM, Mike Ray wrote:
> TTS bit...I'm most interested in the name of the host and the duration.
> The duration I can get from my pod catcher, and I guess most pod
> catchers get this.
> But the name of the host is only available if I look online first, which
> I don't do at one o'clock in the morning which is when the new cast
> drops out.
> Based on the host I sometimes just delete it without going any further.
> Usually when I have heard the duration and the name of the host I jump
> ahead 30 seconds and miss the host message and the music, or most of it.
>  But, tedious as it is, I think thanking Josh is necessary and polite
> after all he does for HPR.
> Personally I hate that bleeping music :-), but it is just as much part
> of HPR as the Nike flash is to over-priced sweat-shop produced sneakers.
> The music is too loud, as others have said.
> But, although sound quality can sometimes be annoyingly bad, and can on
> occasions make it difficult to listen, a poorly recorded show is better
> than no show, as Ken has often said.
> Case in point...Sigflups excellent recent episode on getting the Cisco
> phones she found in the garage working, contained a bad echo.  But what
> a brilliant episode it was. Hacking at it's best and worthy of HPR if
> for nothing else but just the obvious delight in the voice and dialogue
> from the host at getting it to work.
> So, it's dangerous to complain about sound recording quality. To do so
> we risk not digging up some gems.
> Mike
> On 01/09/2018 22:42, Dave Lee wrote:
>> Whilst I agree that the theme music could do with turning down a bit, I also 
>> think that some hosts could do more to improve the levels on their recorded 
>> segment.  This is an observation I have towards many podcasts, not just HPR 
>> episodes.  A tiny amount of post-production effort can make a huge amount of 
>> difference to the final episode.
>> Dave
>> On 1 Sep 2018, 22:18, at 22:18, "Brenda J. Butler" <b...@sourcerer.ca> wrote:
>>> I'm a bit new to the community, but that said here is
>>> my opinion.
>>> I'm ok with the setup as it is, but if we could make the
>>> intro/outro music a little quieter (to more closely
>>> match the show) that would be nice.
>>> While it is a little boring to hear the "thank you" every
>>> time, it is polite and thankful to the hosters.  I'm
>>> ok with having it up front.
>>> And what's a "hacker" podcast without a little text-to-speech?
>>> Having it read the show synopsis is as good an excuse as
>>> any to include some tts.
>>> Also after listening to a podcast (or other content) it can
>>> be good to have a little "filler" between shows so you
>>> have a few minutes to think about the content, before
>>> being bombarded with more content.
>>> The actual music is fine with me.  I also enjoy the occasional
>>> community member's re-interpretation, be it whistled, sung,
>>> and/or played on the accordion : -)
>>> bjb
>>> On Sat, Sep 01, 2018 at 10:03:07PM +0200, Ken Fallon wrote:
>>>> Hi All,
>>>> Following a discussion on the Community News,
>>>> ( http://hackerpublicradio.org/eps.php?id=2631 )
>>>> I am reopening the discussion as to the HPR branding as defined on
>>> "Give
>>>> Shows > Theme"
>>>> http://hackerpublicradio.org/theme.php
>>>> It's been a while since we had this discussion and it would be good
>>> to
>>>> revisit it again.
>>>> Currently the branding is as follows
>>>> 1. Show Synopsis (Espeak saying "This is HPR episode ${show_number)
>>>> entitled "${title}". It is hosted by ${hostname} ... etc"
>>>> 2. Thanking our Hosting provider (Automatically Added)
>>>> 3. HPR Introduction Music (Mandatory)
>>>> 4. The Show
>>>> 5. HPR Outro Music (Mandatory)
>>>> We would like your input on what if anything should change.
>>>> Is the 1. Show Synopsis, adding value to people ?
>>>> Do we continue to 2. Thanking our Hosting provider ? Should we remove
>>> it
>>>> or put it in the outro ?
>>>> Should we refresh the 3. HPR Introduction Music ? Make it shorter ?
>>>> Should the 5. HPR Outro Music text be changed ?
>>>> Any other changes ?
>>>> -- 
>>>> Regards,
>>>> Ken Fallon
>>>> http://kenfallon.com
>>>> http://hackerpublicradio.org/correspondents.php?hostid=30
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Bob Jonkman <bjonk...@sobac.com>          Phone: +1-519-635-9413
SOBAC Microcomputer Services             http://sobac.com/sobac/
Software   ---   Office & Business Automation   ---   Consulting
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