Hi Ken: If your server supports Server Side Includes (SSI) then you can add comments to the top and bottom of your pages to include a header and footer. I was doing that for a static site for a while (but then got sucked into the WordPress morass).


<div id="header">
  <!-- include virtual=insert.hti -->
</div> --> <!-- end of #header  -->

The insert.hti file contains the HTML code I want in the header. If I ever change the contents of that file, then all the pages which have the 'include virtual' comment will update too.

Note that some servers don't like the space between the comment indicator and the 'include' command, so they want <!--include virtual=insert.hti--> which I find ugly...

I use the .hti extension as an indicator that it's an HTML "include" file, not a complete HTML file with <html><head><body> sections.


On 2019-04-03 2:36 p.m., Ken Fallon wrote:
Hi All,

Do any of you have a recommendation for a Static Site Generators that
just publishes html files.

For example takes a page, adds a header and footer from somewhere and
publishes the combined page.

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