> I dunno,
> compare this
> http://www.artrenewal.org/articles/2004/Hockney/large/HockneyMosaic.jpg
> to how a perfectly stitched view of the same scene would look.
> which would be most intriguing ?

This image was mentioned by Hockney in his program
discussing the possible involvement of lenses
in earlier-than-we-thought paintings.


> He compares van Eyck's "Ghent Altarpiece" (1432) to his own "Pearblossom 
> Highway" (1986) concluding that multiple viewpoints (many, many windows) have 
> a similar distancing effect on a two-dimentional surface as a bird's-eye 
> view, but that it is contradicted in details.
> Hockney's "Pearblossom Highway" photographic collage consists of 
> approximately 750 individual chromogenic print and, it is historically known, 
> that van Eyck made lots of drawings of various elements and then "drew" the 
> whole painting out of details from them.


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