On Mon 07-Sep-2009 at 17:48 -0400, Yuval Levy wrote:
>My point is that there can be multiple settings for the same tool and
>that currently the short description allows one to have the same short
>name more than once. This affects also the potential patent-free cp

I don't think there is any need to ship with alternative 
incantations for each tool, I just included all variations in the 
email as this stuff needs to be documented somewhere.

There is really only one sensible set of parameters for each, I'll 
commit the autopano-sift-c --projection parameter anyway as this has 
been supported since 2.5.0 over a year ago.

>> For now I think we should just ship these presets:
>> 1. autopano-sift-c (default)
>> 2. panomatic
>> 3. match-n-shift (not on windows)
>> 4. autopano.exe (only on windows)
>> 5. align_image_stack
>why match-n-shift not on windows? IIRC it was working?

Apparently the binaries I produced didn't have all the right perl 
modules, it will work, but somebody else needs to do it.

>> I'm tempted to switch autopano-sift-c with autopano-noop.sh on Linux
>> as they are functionally identical - Currently I patch this in when
>> packaging for fedora.
>I second this. Default should be autopano-noop.sh (or the Windows
>equivalent) so that also users of distributions that don't have a CP
>generator get a meaningful feedback (which can be a statement telling
>them to install a CP detector and change the preference).

Actually autopano-noop.sh in 2009.2.0 tests for autopano-sift-c and 
just passes through the command if it is present.  i.e. it _should_ 
be a painless default on Linux/unix.


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