On Sat 12-Sep-2009 at 07:38 -0700, RueiKe wrote:
>Not sure if I found a bug or if I am doing something wrong.  I am
>using SVN4352 of 2009.2.  I attempted to use the default arguments for
>autopano-SIFT-C, and I found that it indicates conversion to a
>stereographic projection in the control point generation window, even
>though an equirectangular projection is indicated in both the stitcher
>tab and quick preview window.  It only finds 3 control points.  When I
>remove the "--projection %f,%v" option it finds over 500 control

The stereographic conversion is used for input images, the 
projection of the output shouldn't make any difference to 
control-point detection.

I suspect that the initial field of view or projection of your 
photos is being misread.  Are you entering values manually when you 
load the photos? or is hugin estimating them from the EXIF info?

i.e. what values are set in the Camera and Lens tab immediately 
before generating control points?


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