Hi Emad,

On September 25, 2010 01:41:14 am Emad ud din Btt wrote:
> Its open source but I think this feature is for developers.

that's a misconception.  Open Source has more advantages for the users than 
for the developers.  Contrast the history of Freehand [0] with that of Blender 
[1] and think of the users who have spent hours/days/week to develop expertise 
in Freehand and what their time-investment is worth now.

> Normal user will not want to go and add %p %o %s in autopano-sift
> parameters for multirow pano. He will want to just load pics and get pano

Your definition of 'normal' reflects your wishes. Hugin is for every user what 
they make it for themselves and there is no such thing as a 'normal user'.

The best matching products for a user with the wish described above is 
Autopano Pro.  "Just load pics and get pano".  No other software known to me, 
commercial or Free, matches this sentence better than Autopano Pro.  It was 
designed with exactly this use case in mind.

> I hope in one year time it will at par
> with commercial softwares.

I do not like comparisons.  That said, depends on what you measure, Hugin is 
already "at par" with commercial software on some metrics.  On other metrics 
it is "ahead" and on other metrics it is "behind".  The question is: which 
metric is more important to you.  If it is an automated process with as little 
human intervention as possible, go with Autopano Pro - it is ahead and will 
stay ahead for many years to come.  If your metric is "detailed and precise 
assisted control of image placement on the panosphere or on the mosaic plane", 
Hugin is ahead.  It all depends on what your need is.

If you need to drive fast from A to B, why torture yourself with a bus when 
you can have a sportscar? on the other hand, if you need to get a lot of gear 
from A to B, why torture yourself with a sportscar when you can have a truck?

Rather than setting yourself up for disappointment, choose the right tool for 

> I am a windows user and I feel there is lack of technical resource person
> for windows users. Most of hugin team is not using windows. Thats why it
> creates issues. Is there anyone looking after windows builds that they are
> accurate and uptodate? or we have to shift to Ubuntu ....lolzzz

would you still feel there is a lack of technical resource person for windows 
users if that person would charge you 60$/hour for her support/advice?

there are enough people looking after windows builds - actually from the names 
I've seen flying over the past few weeks on the list more than for any 
platform.  But they have to deal with issues that are solved automatically by 
more efficient platforms.  I can tell from my own experience that building and 
packaging Hugin for Windows was much more painful than doing it it for 

That said, I am not advocating that you shift to Ubuntu.  Use what works best 
in your situation.


> On Fri, Sep 24, 2010 at 5:37 PM, Gareth <p...@jonestheweb.com> wrote:
> > Carl,
> > 
> > I've just checked the last Hugin image I installed, which was hugin-
> > mac-2010-1.0.0 from early June. I know from the list that things have
> > changed since then so perhaps I should give Hugin another try, when I
> > have some spare moments.
> > 
> > On Sep 24, 1:05 pm, Yuval Levy <goo...@levy.ch> wrote:
> > > On September 24, 2010 05:34:05 am kfj wrote:
> > > > special thanks to Yuval Levy, you have really made an effort to work
> > > > things out for me so I can take heart, get over my frustration and
> > > > maybe end up doing something productive.
> > > 
> > > happy to read my words were helpful to you.  I am sure you will do
> > 
> > something
> > 
> > > productive, whether with PTgui, Hugin, or whatever other software you
> > 
> > will
> > 
> > > apply your brains to.
> > > 
> > > > I'm well willing to struggle up
> > > > the learning curve to get things working. And I'll look into what I
> > > > can do to make the problems that bug me go away.
> > > 
> > > You're already on the right path.  Fire up questions to this list,
> > > you'll often get help and advice from people who have "been there done
> > > that".
> > > 
> > > Even if you're going to "unchartered territories", you'll get help and
> > 
> > support
> > 
> > > along the way, as you can witness in your recent thread about building
> > 
> > libpano
> > 
> > > on MinGW.
> > > 
> > > Yuv
> > > 
> > >  signature.asc
> > > 
> > > < 1KViewDownload
> > 
> > --
> > You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
> > "Hugin and other free panoramic software" group.
> > A list of frequently asked questions is available at:
> > http://wiki.panotools.org/Hugin_FAQ
> > To post to this group, send email to hugin-ptx@googlegroups.com
> > To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
> > hugin-ptx+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com<hugin-ptx%2bunsubscr...@googlegrou
> > ps.com> For more options, visit this group at
> > http://groups.google.com/group/hugin-ptx

[0] http://freefreehand.org/
[1] http://www.blender.org/documentation/htmlI/x115.html

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