On 23 Jan., 21:53, Bruno Postle <br...@postle.net> wrote:

> It doesn't really work like this.  Hugin looks exclusively at the
> image dimensions, so both the landscape and portrait shots will have
> the same lens number and field of view.

Of course the final calculation does it right.
What I mean is that there is only one parameter in the pto, and that's
the horizontal field of view. Of course, if you have the pixel
dimensions you can arrive at a correct calculation, but if you mix
landscape and portrait shots of the same lens in a panorama, you have
images with two different hfov values. That's why Jeffrey Matin says:

> why is it HFOV and not FOV "in the narrow image dimension" ? wouldn't this
> be better?

And, having thought about it some more, I agree with him for two

- with true fisheye images, the diagonal isn't inside the image. It
may even be silly to calculate a dfov for a fisheye - it might be
nominally more than 360 degrees. The narrow edge will be about 180
degrees in a fisheye, so no problem.

- the (current) lens correction polynomial is, if I'm not mistaken,
based on the small side of the image as well (taking half the diameter
there as unit radius), so hugin already uses this standard.

J. Martin asks

> so your standard 6 shots around and 1 shot up pano (fullframe fisheye) where
> the "up" shot has been rotated to landscape orientation by the camera - this
> should not pose any problems for hugin?

I'd say - not really a problem, but if the first six are portrait and
the up shot landscape, if it's a manual lens (like my Samyang) I have
to tell hugin every time it's the same, even if the image dimensions
are the same to the other shots. More a nuisance. I have to have two
lens.ini files handy, or go through the dialog every time of 'do I
want to accept the parameters even though the image dimensions are


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