I am strongly in favor of #1.

Only if there is no Exif, and the user cannot supply any additional data, 
then it can go to #2. 

I think there is no other way :-)


On Saturday, January 22, 2011 10:20:34 PM UTC+1, Pablo d'Angelo wrote:
> 1. User has a good estimate of the HFOV (EXIF Data or prior 
> calibrations) -> use cpfind --ransacmode rpy
> which makes cpfind virtually bullet proof to really bad mismatches.
> 2. Bad EXIF Data and user doesn't know about crop factors or the like -> 
> use cpfind --ransacmode auto (the default) or cpfind --ransacmode 
> homography, and accept some outliers.
> I hesitate to default to --ransacmode rpy, as this will probably lead to 
> quite some breakage for novice users, who enter bad crop factors.
> I find 2. a bit unsatisfying as it means that we will get suboptimal 
> results for many inexperience users (and many experienced ones too, who 
> don't know about all the cpfind internals...).
> Whats your opinion about that?
> - Should we add more default presets to the control point detector 
> preferences?
> - Try to automatically add --ransacmode rpy, if the hugin could 
> successfully read HFOV from the EXIF data?
> - Try to robustly add HFOV to the RANSAC model? Maybe just trying a 
> range of initial HFOVs would be sufficient... However, I'm not sure if I 
> can do that with my limited time budget.
> Another way to reduce the problem would be to use a camera-crop factor 
> database, such as the one from Autopano PRO:
> http://www.autopano.net/wiki-en/Cameras.txt
> ciao
>   Pablo

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