On Monday, January 24, 2011 6:12:47 PM UTC+1, kfj wrote:
> but if the first six are portrait and 
> the up shot landscape, if it's a manual lens (like my Samyang) I have 
> to tell hugin every time it's the same, even if the image dimensions 
> are the same to the other shots. More a nuisance. I have to have two 
> lens.ini files handy, or go through the dialog every time of 'do I 
> want to accept the parameters even though the image dimensions are 
> different'. 

I would regard this as a major bug. The issue ot camera/image rotation 
creates so many problems in panos. Why can't this be solved definitively 
without harassing the user? (If it is how kfj describes it, I would call it 
"harassment".) (PTGui is the same, BTW - differently rotated panos don't get 
treated in a graceful way)

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