On Friday, March 11, 2011 5:01:48 PM UTC+1, kfj wrote:
> On 11 Mrz., 11:40, Bart van Andel <bavan...@gmail.com> wrote: 
> > When plugins report a display name 
> > and a short description as well, this can also be shown in this dialogue. 
> If 
> > the plugin does not report any options, it can be run directly without 
> > asking anything. Note that this needn't be restricted to Python plugins. 
> I don't quite understand what you mean by 'report a display name', can 
> you clarify? 

By 'display name' I mean just a name to display (e.g.) in the menu 
structure. This means you can name the file e.g. kfjGBlur.py, but the 
display name 'gaussian blur', as an example. I'm not familiar with Python 
syntax, but the interface may look like this:

getPluginName : string
getPluginDescription : string
getPluginParams : array<name, type, min, max, default, whatever>

Name is what you'd need in the menu, description maybe on mouse over, and 
params are used to display the GUI (in case we decide on doing so). Min/max 
may not always apply, in the case of an enumaration type, it may report the 
options for a drop down list, or radio button list.


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