On 12 Mrz., 11:24, kfj <_...@yahoo.com> wrote:

> This does not seem to be the case, much as one would wish for it. Let
> me point you quite specifically to the very short readme that goes
> with the example files for embedding wxPython in a program using
> wxWidgets. This text seems to imply that there is a close relationship
> between the two and they are not independent:
> http://svn.wxwidgets.org/viewvc/wx/wxPython/trunk/samples/embedded/RE...
> please correct me if I misinterpret these data.

Okay, I'll correct myself here. I think what this example aims at is
using the wxPython window from C++ and vice versa, not merely opening
a wxPython window by tiself to collect some data. I think I got it
wrong, and just doing the latter is possible without any further
paramter passing. Phew. This should make things easier as long as this
tight integration isn't (yet) needed. The protocol issues still
remain, so please don't disregard the remainder of my last posting.
I'll keep investigating...


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