On 13 Mrz., 14:09, Bruno Postle <br...@postle.net> wrote:

> I was referring to the GUI selection, you can Ctrl-click photos in
> the Images tab, then the various 'action' buttons on the right hand
> side only operate on these photos.  I would expect a plugin to work
> the same way.

What data structure contains the information of this selection? I'd
like to wrap that with the SWIG interface (if I haven't already done
so) so that Python can know about it.

> If this selection was available as part of the data structure then
> the plugin would know what to work with.  However this is related to
> another Hugin issue: the selection of photos isn't shared between
> tabs, really if you select two photos in the Images tab, the same
> photos should become selected in the Camera and Lens tab, and also
> in the Crop tab.  Now that we have a basic system for selecting
> photos in the Fast Preview window, this selection should be
> propagated to the Images tab etc...  I would go as far as saying
> that displaying two photos in the Control Points tab should make
> these two photos selected in the other tabs.

I'm not sure if I can agree to the last bit. The selections may be
deliberately different depending on the current purpose. If I work on
a subset of my images in a large panorama and switch to the CP editor,
I would definitely not want my selection to be replaced by the two
images in the CP editor. As far as the images tab and the camera and
lens tab are concerned, though, I agree that the selection should be
identical, and it has often bugged me that it isn't. The images tab
could offer to make the selected images 'active' for stitching. And if
images are selected and you open the CP editor, it could show the
first two selected images rather than twice image 0.

I have previously suggested to allow plugin access via a context menu.
Since the context would establish what objects the operation is
intended for choosing the right type of plugin should be easy. We
don't use context menus in hugin at all, do we? I think that the
operations that currently perform on the selected subset might be more
obviously accessed by a context menu, whereas with the current design
the user may be ignorant that the button he's pressing will only
affect the selected items and not the whole list. I remember people
asking stuff here like how can they selectively remove CPs for certain
images - selecting the images and clicking on 'remove CPs' did not
occur to them naturally.


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