
first trial on 10.4:
I put both apps in /User/Applications/ and renamed existing versions of PTBatcherGUI.app. I loaded an existing project and clicked the 'stich now' button in the provided Hugin version. Seems to work as expected, only the menu command 'Quit Hugin' is dimmed. That usually works while the panorama is being stitched in the background.

Let's see... Sending the project from within Hugin to PTBatcherGUI works like a charm (both processes stitch at the same time now). That button could be the new default for me :-)

I'll come back soon with results for 10.5 and 10.6.


Harry van der Wolf schrieb am 04.06.11 22:17:

2011/6/4 T. Modes <thomas.mo...@gmx.de <mailto:thomas.mo...@gmx.de>>

Please find attached a patch: it consists of 2 parts: the first parts
hide/disables the stitch now button on the pano panel for Leopard.
The second part modifies the Stitch now code. This code is called by the
stitch now button and also by the assistant. So I modified this part
that it calls for Leopard the send to batch for the assistant.
Hope this helps.

@Thomas: Your patch works. So this is where the boys get separated from
the men when it comes to programming :)

10.5 users please test this combination of hugin and ptbatchergui.
10.4 and 10.6 users: please test as well to see whether this combination
works for you as well.

Please temporarily remove or rename the existing PTBatcherGui.app in
your /Applications.
You can also simply copy this hugin and ptbatchergui in /Applications.
If you leave an "old" PTBatcherGui in /Applications, PTBatcherGui will hang.

Note that this dmg contains hugin.app and ptbatchergui.app and a small
README.txt and nothing else.

You can download it at:


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