2011/6/5 phartz...@gmail.com <phartz...@gmail.com>

> On Sun, Jun 5, 2011 at 12:51 PM, Harry van der Wolf <hvdw...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> > I will answer now: I see what you mean, but I'm afraid this is not so
> > simple. It requires a change of (1) strings, (2) change of xrc gui
> > description file and (3) a change of code.
>   I understand.  It would be great if only the portion of the
> PTBatcher application that actually produces the stitched panorama
> were to be invoked upon the saving of the .pto file.  If the OS X
> 10.5.x Hugin user could simply send the .pto file to PTBatcher and
> have that application automatically produce the panorama without
> having to display the PTBatcher window along with all the options and
> the necessity to manually begin the stitching process, the result
> would be almost identical to having Hugin produce the stitched
> panorama itself, and the process would be essentially transparent.  Is
> there any way to accomplish something along that line, thereby
> amending PTBatcher by simplifying it and reducing the amount of code
> and download size, dispensing with all the various option buttons,
> etc?
It is being worked on in the new 2011.1. Currently I have some major issues
with that otherwise I had already released a new development bundle combo
for testing.
I just filed a bug report.


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