On Fri, Jun 3, 2011 at 10:01 AM, Harry van der Wolf <hvdw...@gmail.com> wrote:

> @OSX 10.5 Users: I built this Hugin 2011.0.1-Beta1 version with my patch in
> it. Please do some quick test to try whether it works on 10.5. As said I
> assume the Assistant doesn't work, but the stiching should. See (2.)

  It works under 10.5.4 just as Carl van Einem has described.  I tried
the "Align" routine on the "Assistant" window, and then clicked on
"Create Panorama."  Hugin asked for a location and name for a .pto
file instead of attempting to stitch the project.  The ,pto was
written, the batcher opened, I clicked on the "run" arrow and the pano
was created.  Everything seemed to work fine.

  Working from the "Stitcher" window makes it clear that project is
being sent to the batch processor, but working in the "Assistant"
window does not clarify that fact for a 10.5.x user.  It would likely
be helpful were the "Assistant" window be able to have that "Create
Panorama" button replaced by the same button, "Save project and send
to batch," that is displayed in the "Stitcher" window for new 10.5.x
folks in order to avoid possible confusion as to the action about to
be taken..

  I think that just a bit of explanation as to what is going on with
the .pto files will be all that is needed for 10.5.x users to avoid
being somewhat confused.

  Great job on this workaround by yourself and Thomas and all testers
and others involved.


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