On Sun, Aug 14, 2011 at 2:32 AM, kfj <_...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> I also wonder if we shouldn't plain ask for help. Our question is
> simple: We want a powerful python-based cross-platform application
> framework to write a hugin clone with as little fuss as possible. I
> wonder where we should post such a question, but I'm sure we'd benefit
> from outside intelligence. Any ideas?

I hope someone has already mentioned Blender (www.blender.org). It's
largely python and implements a cross-platform (though non-standard)
UI entirely in GL. I haven't looked at Blender's code and the GUI
interface doesn't seem to have separate documentation but it at least
should get a look-see.

Implementing a private non-standard UI has a certain advantage in that
documentation and advice don't involve platform-specific advice.
However, implementing all your own widgets is time consuming and not
easy to get right, not to mention creating some non-painful way to lay
out a UI. It might be possible to create Hugin as an addition to
Blender itself.

If I were the designer, I'd make the core graphics and analysis
portable C++/OpenCL and let the UIs be entirely platform specific.
Macs and Windows have established GUI styles and cross-platform UI
widgets alway sacrifice something to make it all work. Such layering
would also make it easier to insure the core is solid since it can be
tested in isolation. Hopefully such a core layer would also allow for
a standard regression suite as well.

I don't know what the right plan is but I'm glad there's a discussion.

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