On August 16, 2011 09:11:08 pm Charlie Reiman wrote:
> I hope someone has already mentioned Blender (www.blender.org)

No.  The proximity is so obvious, thank you for mentioning it.

> Implementing a private non-standard UI has a certain advantage in that
> documentation and advice don't involve platform-specific advice.
> However, implementing all your own widgets is time consuming and not
> easy to get right, not to mention creating some non-painful way to lay
> out a UI.

A lot of the Hugin code - are custom widgets, e.g. the whole fast preview.  
And it is in those custom widgets that lie the majority of complexity and 

> It might be possible to create Hugin as an addition to
> Blender itself.

That's an interesting idea, piggy-backing on Blender.  It has been about two 
years since I last used it, and the UI is pretty packed but extremely well 
done.  It takes a while to learn, but it is not difficult.  It is not for the 
occasional user, though.

> If I were the designer, I'd make the core graphics and analysis
> portable C++/OpenCL and let the UIs be entirely platform specific.

Makes sense.  Many apps, especially commercial, do this.  If you have an 
example of FLOSS projects that do this we could take a look and learn from 
them how they do it.  So far, my Stackoverflow question [0] has not received 
any response in that direction.  The usual suspects... Qt and wxWidgets, with 
a vast majority favoring Qt.  Will wait for another while.

slightly OT: does anybody know what has happened to http://panoverflow.com/ ?

It says simply "The website "panoverflow.com" has been disabled. If you are 
the administrator of this Stack Exchange 1.0 site, please email se1-
ad...@stackexchange.com with any questions you may have."

> I don't know what the right plan is but I'm glad there's a discussion.

we'll know what the right plan is when we get there and things start moving :)

keep the ideas flowing.

[0]: <http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7058947/can-you-recommend-a-good-

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