Well, I don't know how to fix the CP so you get good CPs, but here I prefer
to put them manually. If you choose to try this I suggest that you can do
only 2 CPs between each pair. Try to put them far from each other. I
usually try to choose one on the bottom and one on the top of the images
and sometimes I use 3 or 4 CPs. As you have a good hfov you probably will
have very few image pairs and this wont take too much time. I usually do
this in 10 images (Opteka 6.5mm in a 1.6 crop censor).


Carlos E G Carvalho (Cartola)

2012/1/2 Gerhard Killesreiter <gerh...@killesreiter.de>

> Hash: SHA1
> Hi there,
> I've been given a Sigma 4.5mm fisheye for Christmas and intend to use it
> for creating 360°x180° panos with my Pentax K10D.
> I am using hugin 2011.4.0.cf9be9344356 on Debian Linux.
> As a test, I've taken some handheld pictures and am now trying to use
> hugin on them to produce a pano.
> After running into some problems I've reduced the test case to two
> pictures.
> The issue I am observing is that on initial import there are no CPs found.
> I have then searched the net a bit and changed the parameters for
> hugin's cpfind (with celeste) to
> - --sieve1width 50 --sieve1height 50 --sieve1size 300 --celeste -o %o %s
> (I've added the sieve1* params and removed --multirow).
> I have also added the Exif focal legth data at the hopefully correct
> place using the method described at
> http://u88.n24.queensu.ca/exiftool/forum/index.php?topic=2998.0
> (Pentax isn't recording it correctly since they don't produce lenses
> with less than 10mm...)
> I have selected "circular fisheye" as a lense, chose 5mm as focal length
> (from exif) and added 1.5 as crop multiplier. hfov was calculated to
> 183.113.
> I have used the fourth tab (German: Beschneiden, maybe "cut"?) to
> indicate that the outer areas of the image should not be considered.
> When I now try to get control points, I do get about 20. The issue is
> that they are squeezed in only a portion of the image (see attached
> screenshot).
> I am pretty sure I doing something wrong, but I don't know what.
> Any help appreciated!
> Gerhard
> Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (GNU/Linux)
> iEYEARECAAYFAk8Bir4ACgkQfg6TFvELooSsOgCaA8JDjzDBAmenzxoPKHH8o1zl
> 0eAAn1rIe1mustdneE5Lib8Jq78DViO8
> =pTcG
> --
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