2012/5/9 T. Modes <thomas.mo...@gmx.de>

> Concerning the fast preview: I thought also on this, but I'm not sure.
> There is still the issue with the crashing preview. I fixed some time
> ago a further issue, but until now no feedback if it is really fixed.
> In the fast preview I started to hide controls in the beginner mode:
> currently only the mosaic drag controls are hidden for beginner. Which
> control do you think can be confusing for beginner? These can also be
> hidden in beginner mode.

In the Windows 2011.4.0 version, the fast preview crash still occurs,
although much much less frequently. For me, the current frequency of crash
is quite acceptable, but others may disagree. And it seems some others have
it at much higher rates than me.

Frederic Da Vitoria

Membre de l'April - « promouvoir et défendre le logiciel libre » -

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