Hi justus,

(I like that nickname :-))

justus jonas <hap...@web.de> writes:
> currently I am working on a patch for fixing feature request #651 and 
> #833. This would introduce a mode "toggle" for i3bar, which toggles 
> between showing and hiding the i3bar whenever the i3bar modifier is 
> pressed.
You rock! Thanks for all the patches and ongoing work.

> Can anyone of you give me a hint on how to synchronize the state of the 
> two bars or how to tackle this problem in another way?
Here’s an idea:

1) In the bar config, introduce a “hidden” state.
2) Introduce a new i3 command named “bar toggle” (bonus points for also
   implementing “bar show” and “bar hide”, they are trivial), that
   optionally accepts a parameter, which is the bar id.
3) Users configure e.g. “bindsym $mod+x bar toggle” in their i3 config,
   i3 sends the config update with “hidden” as state to all bar
   instances (or only the specified one).

The advantages are:
• i3 already provides keybinding configuration, so it should probably go
  into i3 anyways
• people can use the IPC interface to do all kinds of specific setup
  outside of i3, by using the bar toggle/show/hide command, optionally
  with instances.

Best regards,

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