Hi Michael,

regarding the first version of my uploaded patch for showing/hiding i3bar through i3, I was thinking about further steps and came to the conclusion that it might be desirable to fully control hiding and showing of i3bar through i3. This was already mentioned by Axel Wagner in a previous post:

"Again, in the long-run, this could also mean simplifying i3bar by
ripping out all this key-handling-code and have i3 handle that - it
would only be the continuation of that logic. That would mean that (to
make the current behaviour possible) we need to be able to make bindings
on key-press and key-releases."

This makes sense to me. Further, I think we could actually also remove the logic for unhiding because of urgency hints or a newly activated mode from i3bar. Then either i3 could handle unhiding by initiating a state update or we could even leave this to ipc scripts, which react to the corresponding events. In case we would want to this, the "forcehide" option should actually become a mode, and we should reduce the state to only have the options "hide" and "show". So, the mode "forcehide" in i3bar would just ignore state updates when it comes to unhiding or showing the bar. Additionally, if i3 fully controls the state of the i3bar instances, the state in the barconfig always really reflects the actual state of the bar (currently i3 does not know about an internal unhiding initiated by i3bar itself).

For this to work, we would need the following:
(1) Like Axel said, we would need the possibility to react to keypress and keyrelease separately and would need to overload a key, so I could use windows-key as bar modifier and still use keybinding like windows+h. (2) With the new event for sending barconfig updates, it would be easy to add a possibility to switch modes on the fly (also demanded in feature request #651). This would then make it possible, to switch to the new "forcehide" mode.

So the current hide-behaviour of i3bar using the barmodifier could be configured like this:
bindsym $mod bar show
bindsym --release $mod bar hide

The only difference here would be that the bar modifier would need to be specifically defined within a binding-mode. To me, this even sounds like the more consistent approach.

What do you think?

Best regards and thanks to you (and all contributors) for this wonderful wm

Am 13.04.2013 21:30, schrieb Michael Stapelberg:
Hi justus,

justus jonas <hap...@web.de> writes:
As far as I understand, we would then have a state in the barconfig,

would then switch between the values for toggling. Is there already some
existing code for sending config updates to i3bar, where you could point
me to?
There is no code which does that already. I am under the impression that
just sending i3bar an event (without i3bar having requested it) should
do the right thing. Try it and see :-).

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