Hi Michael,

thanks again for your answer :)

As far as I understand, we would then have a state in the barconfig, which could be either "show" or "hidden" (and maybe "forcehide"). We would then switch between the values for toggling. Is there already some existing code for sending config updates to i3bar, where you could point me to?


Am 13.04.2013 15:59, schrieb Michael Stapelberg:
Hi justus,

(I like that nickname :-))

justus jonas <hap...@web.de> writes:
currently I am working on a patch for fixing feature request #651 and
#833. This would introduce a mode "toggle" for i3bar, which toggles
between showing and hiding the i3bar whenever the i3bar modifier is
You rock! Thanks for all the patches and ongoing work.

Can anyone of you give me a hint on how to synchronize the state of the
two bars or how to tackle this problem in another way?
Here’s an idea:

1) In the bar config, introduce a “hidden” state.
2) Introduce a new i3 command named “bar toggle” (bonus points for also
    implementing “bar show” and “bar hide”, they are trivial), that
    optionally accepts a parameter, which is the bar id.
3) Users configure e.g. “bindsym $mod+x bar toggle” in their i3 config,
    i3 sends the config update with “hidden” as state to all bar
    instances (or only the specified one).

The advantages are:
• i3 already provides keybinding configuration, so it should probably go
   into i3 anyways
• people can use the IPC interface to do all kinds of specific setup
   outside of i3, by using the bar toggle/show/hide command, optionally
   with instances.

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