First of all I wanted to say thank you for i3. I finally found a WM
that answer all my needs :)

However I have some questions:

* Is there any rational for bindsym not being considered as any other command ?
$> i3-msg 'bindsym Mod4+i exec gvim'
ERROR: Your command: bindsym Mod4+i exec gvim
ERROR:               ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

I wrote a set of script ( https://github.com/daedric/i3scripts ) to
manage dynamic workspaces according to the project I'm working on.
IMO it would make sense to be able to setup some specific binding.
Thus, it would make also sense to be able to delete/replace a binding.

I searched a bit, and I found nothing, so if it has already been asked
I'm sorry.

* Why when I have a splitted workspace with say chromium and a
terminal, I can't set the layout to tabbed (or stacked) for the
terminal but I can split it ?

* Why this does not work (no error reported, but i3lock does not get
executed, nothing in the logs):
bindsym F1 exec i3lock
bindsym $mod+F1 exec i3lock

I thought that maybe F1 is not the right symbol, but according to
xmodmap -pke/xev it is

* The following binding, does not show the i3-input on the focused output
bindsym $mod+m exec i3-input -P "Mark: " -F "mark %s"

Thomas Sanchez

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