Hi Thomas,

Thomas Sanchez <thomas.san...@gmail.com> writes:
> * Is there any rational for bindsym not being considered as any other command 
> ?
> $> i3-msg 'bindsym Mod4+i exec gvim'
> ERROR: Your command: bindsym Mod4+i exec gvim
> ERROR:               ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
bindsym is not a command, it’s a configuration directive. Implementing a
command to add new configuration lines to the current configuration is
something I had planned for some time, but I’m not entirely sure it’s a
good idea anymore. It’d kill the very clear current mapping from a
configuration file on-disk to what i3 keeps in memory. I suppose we’d
need a “dump current configuration” command at least.

> I wrote a set of script ( https://github.com/daedric/i3scripts ) to
> manage dynamic workspaces according to the project I'm working on.
> IMO it would make sense to be able to setup some specific binding.
> Thus, it would make also sense to be able to delete/replace a binding.
Have you considered generating a configfile and simply issuing the
“reload” command?

> * Why when I have a splitted workspace with say chromium and a
> terminal, I can't set the layout to tabbed (or stacked) for the
> terminal but I can split it ?
Because the terminal is not a split container, it’s a leaf node. After
you split it, you’ll be able to change the layout, but until you open
more windows, you will not see any effects. See also
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AWA8Pl57UBY for more details.

> * The following binding, does not show the i3-input on the focused output
> bindsym $mod+m exec i3-input -P "Mark: " -F "mark %s"
There’s a bugreport for that: http://bugs.i3wm.org/report/ticket/1058

Best regards,

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