2014-04-16 18:28 GMT+02:00 Gerald Klein <j...@zognet.com>:
> I have found for some reason that certain key combos won't work but the same
> action will work with different keys, not to say this is ideal but only to
> make sure that the question were asking is the correct one. I am able to
> change layouts at will so that is why I mention it. I also use F1 in my
> modes no problem. Here is my mark scenario.
> mode "markIt" {
>     bindsym m exec i3-input -F 'mark %s' -l 1 -P 'Mark: '
>     bindsym apostrophe exec i3-input -F '[con_mark="%s"] focus' -l 1 -P 'Go
> to: '
>     bindsym Return mode "default"
>     bindsym Escape mode "default"
>     bindsym F3 mode "default"
>     bindsym $alt+apostrophe mode "default"
> }
> bindsym $alt+apostrophe mode "markIt"
> bindsym F3 mode "markIt"

Mhhh, indeed, F3 works, I did try F1 and F12 but these keys do not work.

About the layou thing I've been stupid, I can do it but to set the
layout to tabbed for a container, I need it to have a child.
If I split the terminal, I create another terminal for instance, then
I can set the layout to tabbed.
That is one question and half solved :P

Thanks for you answer !

> [...]

Thomas Sanchez

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