Eric Bielefeld asks;
> So, how was Share?  Any earth shattering news?  Anything us peons who
> can't go should know?

It was great. I got to see all of my disreputable friends and even a few
reputable ones. All of the usual suspects (Jaffe, Fagen etc.) plus some
other guys you all know, John Ticic, Tom Schmidt, Wayne Driscol,
Roland... probably quite a few more but its getting to be a blur after a
solid week. Sorry if I left anyone out. You know who you are and I enjoy
seeing you all even if I can't remember who I saw from one day to the
next. Must be getting old or something.

The venue and hotel were excellent. There were lots of sessions on
subjects I found interesting and a few that were worth the price of the
trip on their own. This was probably the most content I've seen at a
share in a while. The trade show was very well attended too. 

My own presentation on Thursday afternoon was almost a disaster, when my
laptop had a hard fail and refused to boot. I was saved by Mark Zelden
who downloaded my pitch from the share site via the wi-fi in the room
and I was able to give it using his laptop. Started 5 min late, but
ended on time!
(Phew) Oh yeah, and it was a pitch about availability <blush>


So let's all do it again in Seattle.


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