On Thursday 06 August 2009, Barbara Nitz wrote:
> The hints about developers being busy with other stuff and/or laid
> off make me think that IBM has stripped itself also in this area of
> the necessary manpower, a story I heard quite often in the last
> months!

    I'm afraid you're probably right. Google a bit on "ibm india 
software labs". I get the impression that they've shipped most - or at 
least a lot - of z/OS "expertise" to Bangalore and other picturesque 
subcontinent spots.

    I've no idea how many stateside people took IBM up on their 
draconian offer to "take a salary cut and move to India or hit the 
road", and how many z/OS development and support personnel are rank 
newbies/amateurs. But this really concerns me about the future of z/OS.

    I'd really like it if someone could allay my fears, but I'm not too 


Bob Woodside
Woodsway Consulting, Inc.

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