Mike There's a touch of "Are you *still* beating your wife?" about this!
a. NetView is a rather large set of programs which includes the capability to set up system automation such that you can have totally silent running (with the aid of the MPF function). I know because I used to do this with my hands- on education systems. NetView comes from IBM - although Tivoli likes to pretend it comes from Tivoli! b. I had to look up TSSO. It comes from Bell Labs. My Googling shows that it can be found as file 401 on the CBT tape - of which much is spoken in this list. It appears to dabble in system automation but seems to depend only on basic MVS functions and TSO - probably in batch mode. c. I also had to check on ICCF. This is exclusively a VSE "thing". I believe it does some TSO functions for VSE. Thus none of the above have - nor never had - anything to do with one another - unless you count being able to use NetView's NCCF TAF to use TSO - which is a very tenuous connection! Chris Mason On Wed, 9 Sep 2009 13:58:35 -0500, Ward, Mike S <mw...@ssfcu.org> wrote: >Hello all, I thought I had read that TSSO uses or used part of Netview >ICCF I think. > > >Is this still true? ---------------------------------------------------------------------- For IBM-MAIN subscribe / signoff / archive access instructions, send email to lists...@bama.ua.edu with the message: GET IBM-MAIN INFO Search the archives at http://bama.ua.edu/archives/ibm-main.html