>I don't have any subsystem type TCP defined in WLM, do I really need
Don't think so, given that you don't have anything in SYSOTHER.

>A fair amount of work??  Under subsystem type just do "create" and
>put in TCP.
My guess is that Allan meant a fair amount of work in *TCPIP*. 

>It's only used for IPSEC IIRC, so it shouldn't really matter if it is
>defined or not unless the OP is using IPSEC (which I think Barbara
Thanks Mark. Now *I* know what these TCP enclaves are for (subsystem TCP)
that nobody here knew why we have them. But we do. And you're quite 
generous to subsys=TCP. Mine run discretionary....

I have defined just about any subsystem that I could and put it into 
discretionary, to avoid anything going to SYSOTHER. Chances are that if 
someone turns on something, I will not be notified to do classifications, which 
means this will only surface when the first person complains about bad 

>30% of what? What is 100%?
Velocity for an exvel goal. And I even found the rule in the Planning WLM book:
"Certain types of work, when overachieving their goals, potentially will have 
their resources "capped" in order to give discretionary work a better 
chance to run. Specifically, work that is not part of a resource group and has 
one of the following two types of goals will be eligible for this 
resource donation:
-A velocity goal of 30 or less
-A response time goal of over one minute"

Which does not apply to sysstc needing cpu. But it might explain why 
something of higher priority can run slower than discretionary.
>Only batch workload is DISCRETIONARY. During the day the online workloads 
>(IMS and TSO) have priority, and in the night we have enough resources so 
>DISCRETIONARY doesn't hurt. Do you mean the "CPU critical" flag for 
>guaranteed cpu?
No, but since I can't remember the name of that feature, obviously I cannot 
search for it. It was introduced about 2 years ago via ptf. Do you run 
subsys=IMS? (Idle curiosity on my part, since we can't.)

Your CPU capping hits when? During the day, I presume, when there isn't too 
much batch running? Which would mean that your discretionary pool 
to 'donate' isn't all that big, so higher priority work gets starved.

My default service class for just about anything is discretionary, and only 
those that screamed at one point got an explicit mention in the policy. Here 
the discretionary pool is real big, but we also run a lot of batch during the 
at least in the AD systems that are hit hard when cp resources are at a 

>> 4. Do you use the SPM rules?
>Not yet. Do you see any advantage defining them?
I have been using them since we migrated to WLM Goal mode. And yes, I find 
it really interesting what ends up in SYSSTC (and SYSTEM). The SYSTEM rule 
is my second in subsys STC, and I might need to change that now that we 
don't have report classes anymore (and make it first), and SYSSTC is my last 
rule in subsys STC. Just about anyone who makes itself PRIV or SYST in 
SCHEDxx ends up there (the monitors of any ilk at the forefront). And given 
that it is considered more important to get the work done than to (cpu 
intensively) monitor why it doesn't get done when there is not enough cpu to 
go around, this really helped me to reclassify STCs lower than they would like 
to be (take them out of sysstc). I run the monitors at the priority of the 
adress space they're supposed to monitor (*if* I was told to classify at all. 
not -> discretionary :-)) 

The importance of these SPM rules may not be as high as it once were. I think 
that IBM/WLM has tired of customers not using them and now doesn't allow 
(re-)classification of a few of them anymore. 

>We did pings and tracerte from our PC to the mainframe (including a WAN of 
>1000km) and found out that only the segment from Mainframe to the first 
>router has bad response times. 
Does that include the time it resided *in* the mainframe? Or just when it left 
the mainframe?

>Additionally we saw those dramatic 
>increases of resp time always when capping was turned on. And RMF3 shows 
>delays up to 70% for TCPIP for processor even under SYSSTC.
Who is using the processor when TCPIP has delays? 

Regards, Barbara

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