Ted MacNEIL wrote: >>Training for z/OS related courses are decreasing.
>Does that mean there are fewer mainframes? >Or, does that mean there are fewer managers willing to spend money on training? Perhaps 'yes' for both questions. Providing proof? Sigh, very difficult. :-( >I, regardless of the comments I've been making, DO believe that mainframes are shrinking. But, I'd like to see more than anecdotal evidence. Anything that cannot be substantiated is just more smoke. You are right with all your statements with or without proofs. I wish I could provide evidence from my side. While I'm speaking only for myself and not providing actual evidence, I'm now struggling to get my juniors and team mates to attend z/OS courses, just because the training firms can't get enough students to pay for the classes. I'm outta this thread. Enough smoking rumours and smoke screens... ;-D Thanks to all who keep this thread lively with interesting comments. ;-D Groete / Greetings Elardus Engelbrecht ---------------------------------------------------------------------- For IBM-MAIN subscribe / signoff / archive access instructions, send email to lists...@bama.ua.edu with the message: GET IBM-MAIN INFO Search the archives at http://bama.ua.edu/archives/ibm-main.html