There were several appends related to the format of the ETOD.

They all seem to have not known of the following:

"TOD Programmable Register" note 14 on P4-42 in PoOp-07 is:
At some time in the future, new models will use a carry from bit 
position 0 of the TOD clock to increment an additional eight-bit 
binary counter. STORE CLOCK EXTENDED will store the contents of 
this counter in byte position 0 of its storage operand. A 
variation of SET CLOCK will set the counter, as well as the TOD 
clock. Variations of SET CLOCK COMPARATOR and STORE CLOCK 
COMPARATOR will manipulate a comparable byte at the left of the 
clock comparator. These actions will allow the TOD clock to 
continue to measure time within the standard epoch after the 
current 143-year limit caused by a carry from bit position 0 has 
been exceeded, and they will allow continued use of the clock 
comparator. It may be desired to have programs that process 
16-byte STORE CLOCK EXTENDED operands take these future 
developments into account. 

Some z/OS time-formatting routines (as Jim Mulder pointed out) 
do not at this time deal with a non-zero high byte. 

Peter Relson
z/OS Core Technology Design

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