
Rick brings up a good point: "/But as these types of problems grow, I'm sure that IBM and REPUTABLE vendors are working to close any holes that might exist./" As I see it there are two parts to this. Vendor testing prior to shipping code and Vendor response when problems are reported in the field. I can't really address what Vendors are doing for testing prior to shipping code but I do have experience with reporting zero day vulnerabilities to Vendors when their code is in the field. Zero day vulnerabilities means the Vendor was not aware of the problem before it was reported. The number of vulnerabilities in the latest releases of z/OS (this would include the ISV code) is much higher than most people realize. This implies that whatever testing being done by Vendors is not identifying these problems. When reporting these problems to a Vendor you better hope that they have some policy about repairing these types of problems. IBM has a written policy on integrity (See IBM statement of integrity) and when this type of problem is reported to IBM they have to date fixed or are working on fixing the problem in my experience. Some other Vendors also fall into this category. However, I have had some "less than enthusiastic" responses from some other Vendors.

Rick also makes a couple of other points: "/as good sysprogs get scarcer, so do the numbers of people capable of compromising the code. As the systems get more and more complex, it's harder and harder to devise the mechanisms to compromise those systems/." I think it is true that there are less people today who have this type of expertise than in the past (in the US at least). However I don't think that it is getting harder to compromise z/OS. For example, I recently (z/OS 1.9 time frame) came up an 11 line rexx exec that exploited a vulnerability with some ISV code. In this case the rexx exec was able to dynamically give any TSO user the RACF privileged authority. This means that access to any RACF protected resource would be allowed with no RACF logging (Note that I could have developed an exploit for CA-TSS or CA-ACF2 instead of RACF if required. These types of exploits are independent of the ESM (external security manager)).While it is true that a higher level of expertise was required to initially develop the exploit if the exploit was published (for example on the internet) the level of expertise required to use the exploit would be much less. I think most, if not all z/OS installations have people that can type in an 11 line rexx exec and execute it.

Ray, I won't ask you for the REXX code but I hope you've reported this to IBM. Just in case the ISV is exploiting a hole they've found and haven't reported. I firmly believe that ANY integrity exposure should be reported to IBM, as the primary software provider, as well as to any ISV that might be involved, however periphally.


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