
> Where it's not confusing, USS can mean UNIX System Services to me.

And anybody else as long as there's no evidence that they are assuming it is 
correct usage. It's when it is assumed that it is correct usage that noses can 
come into contact with paving stones.

All of which provides the reason for 

> The old time VTAMers want USS to mean the VTAM use and it alone. That is 
sacrosanct to them for some reason.

I've mentioned it before but it's worth restating that it's not so much "old 
VTAMers" but "new time Communications Serverers" who are very much aware 
that TN3270 users - really a rather common breed these days, courtesy of the 
TELNET server provided by z/OS Communications Server, get to be able to use 
Unformatted System Services commands and messages and have with their 
long heritage dealing with the function really rather got used to calling a<n 
instrument for turning earth> a<n instrument for turning earth>, namely USS!

And this USS is alive a kicking and sometimes a poor IBM-MAINer (or IBMTCP-
Ler) has the odd problem which he - or she - is entitled to flag up for the 
attention of other subscribers as "I can't get my USS command to work" 
or "Why does my USS message not show my IP address" - or whatever - in 
the Subject line. And if I was unkind I might expect that all those who had 
forgotten - or never knew - that USS was a reference to Unformatted System 
Services originally for SNA human end-user "terminals" and these days nearly 
always 3270 emulators to risk burst blood vessels over opening up a post 
eager to discover some interesting query regarding z/OS UNIX System 
Services and finding they were all at sea, perhaps on an United States Ship!

> But I've gotten used to typing z/OS UNIX just to be as clear as possible.

For which you are heartily to be congratulated, this being the "official" 
abbreviation AFAIK.

Chris Mason

On Sat, 12 Feb 2011 06:29:57 -0600, John McKown <> 

>And stupid me thought USS meant: United States Ship. Like HMS means
>Her/His Majesty's Ship. Except where it means Home Marketing Services.
>The old time VTAMers want USS to mean the VTAM use and it alone. That is
>sacrosanct to them for some reason. Where it's not confusing, USS can
>mean UNIX System Services to me. But I've gotten used to typing z/OS
>UNIX just to be as clear as possible. And given my arthritis, spelling
>is optional to me any more. The purpose of writing is to communicate.
>Granted clear communication is best done by proper use of words,
>grammar, and spelling. But this is not a professional writer's forum.
>On Sat, 2011-02-12 at 06:11 -0600, Mary Anne Matyaz wrote:
>> Rob, I have to agree. The tone of this board is extremely defensive. 
>> it's that sarcasm and humor don't translate well in the written word.
>> If you want to see a friendly board where new members are welcomed and
>> encouraged, go see IBMVM. Since VM has had a resurgance, those 
>> patiently and comprehensively answer members questions, even the most 
>> newbie questions. Pity we can't do the same.
>> Chris, IMHO, the use of USS is not a malapropism. According to wikipedia, a
>> malapropism is an inappropriate use of the word, usually causing humor. I
>> don't think anyone is getting any humor out of this thread, and the use of
>> USS is not inappropriate within the context. Further, this is not an acronym
>> adventuror board. Nor should anyone really care if you spell a word wrong 
>> use an acronym differently than someone else might expect, unless it 
>> the technical information.
>> Can we not simply realize that there are two meanings for the acronym USS
>> and deal with it? We're humans after all, we can discover context and
>> determine the author's intent. We're not Watson playing Jeapordy, after all.
>> My advice to all is, if you feel yourself launching in to a diatribe, please
>> just delete your email, go hug your kids, take a walk, or stare at your
>> screen saver for a while. You'll live longer.
>> Have a nice weekend everyone.
>John McKown
>Maranatha! <><

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